Chapter 22

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Harmony sat against the wall, trying not to move her right arm much as she watch Ember move back and forth working on something on the table "Ember" Harmony said slowly eyes shifting back and forth to Ember, to the kids and Amanda "Why are you doing this?" 

Ember kept her back to her friend "I'm trying to save you. That woman, she wants to kill you" Ember turned around a crazy look in her eyes scaring Harmony a little "I couldn't save you from my family, but I can save you from her" 

"Who? Ember who is trying to kill me?" Harmony asked slowly "Tell me, maybe we can help each other out?" Ember shook her head, grabbing a knife "No. You can't help, your hurt, but don't worry" Ember walked over to Harmony crouching down in front of her "Once I get the chance, I'll kill her. Just like I killed them" Ember stroked her cheek 

Harmony tried not to move "Ember, who did you kill?" Harmony whispered voice shaking slightly. Ember smiled "My family" She shrugged like it wasn't a big deal "They tried hurting that little girl, like they tried hurting you. So I stopped them" Harmony shivered remembering what happened 

Ember caught that and smiled gently at her "Don't worry, they can't hurt you anymore. And once I'm done, this bitch can't either" Ember patted her head before leaving the room. Harmony looked at her sister and the boys and bit back a sob "Please. Please find us Spencer" She whispered 


Emily closed the door to Aaron office "Alright, lay down of the couch" Derek told him move a pillow to the arm of the coach. Will nodded taking off his jacket and laying down "Okay, we need you to relax you body and mind" Emily instructed sitting on the table in front of him as Derek sat on the arm chair 

Will took a deep breath, releasing it slowly, calming his body down "Good, now close your eyes. Think back to the day Harmony and Amanda left. The moment you came back from work" 

Will walked towards the house about to open the door when he heard Amanda "Will!" He turned around dropping his bag "Harmony. Amanda." He rushed towards his sisters, Amanda was angry but Harmony was crying. When he went to touch Harmony, she flinch back 

"Harmony flinch away from my touch" 

"Harmony, it's okay" Amanda tried touching her only for Harmony to repeat the motion, flinching away from her as well  

"She flinched away from Amanda as well. Wouldn't let anyone touch her" 

"Billy go to your room" Will SR said once the girls were inside. SR looked at Harmony worried as she sat by herself looking around 

"She was shaking, wouldn't let anyone near" 

"What was she wearing?" Derek asked. Will was silent for a moment "Ripped jeans, her favorite, and a baggie sweater. Her hair... it was a mess, like someone was pulling it" 

Harmony wiped her tears, just as Will was leaving he saw a hand print on her wrist 

"A hand print of her wrist. It was big, and wasn't in one spot. Like she was fighting him off". Derek wrote that down "Okay, what do you remember hearing after you were sent upstairs?" Emily asked 

"Fought them off-" 

"-Ber helped-" 


"Harmony was saying she fought someone off. That someone helped, I'm guessing helped her get out. Then Amanda said they were leaving" Will eyes snapped open, he looked at Emily and Derek who were pale "She was almost raped. Wasn't she?" He asked scared for what the answer may be 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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