Chapter 19

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SUV's and police cars pulled to a quick stop in front of the airport. The team and the officers rushed through the airport with security meeting them half way

On-lockers pulled out their phones recording them when they noticed the FBI "We kept the plane on the ground like you said" One of the guards told them "What did you tell them?" Rossi asked, if JJ even thinks they're after her she could resort to taking a hostage

"Delay because of weather, which isn't a lie" The guard motioned to the window. It was dark and looked like it was about to storm

"Is there a way off the plane?" Spencer asked as they stopped in front of the terminal "Just one" the attending told them "Prentiss, Morgan take one of the guards and block that way off, we don't know if JJ will run or not"

"On it" Derek and Emily followed the guard towards the exit. Aaron, Spencer, Rossi and the officers pulled out their guns "Let's go"

"Wait" Spencer held out his arm "If JJ sees you she's going to run. Let me go in"


"Trust me. She believes we belong together, if I play it right, I can get her off the plane without anyone getting hurt but if you go in first, she will shot first ask later" 

Even though they didn't want to admit it, Spencer argument made sense, they knew that JJ would run first chance she got and when she finds out she couldn't escape she could take a hostage "Fine, but we're going to be right behind you" Aaron told him. Spencer nodded and holstered his gun before walking onto the plane 

Everyone looked up when they saw him walk on and became confused and worried seeing the FBI vest he was wearing "JJ" Spencer said when he caught sight of her 

"Spence" Spencer gritted his teeth, he used to love when she called him that but now all he can think about is how Harmony calls him that, he doesn't want JJ to call him anything that Harmony calls him. He took deep breaths knowing he couldn't blow this "What are you doing here?" 

"Spencer" Aaron voice came through his com "Play into her love for you" 

"I was looking for you" Spencer told her motioning for the others to stay seated "Anderson went to your house to find it trashed. I was worried" he lied 

JJ smiled getting up from her seat thinking he finally figured out he was in love with her "Finally figured out you weren't in love with that bitch?" 

"Stay calm kid" Rossi said "Let her come to you" 

"Aren't you worried about what the others are going to think?" Spencer asked in return not wanting to say he doesn't love Harmony, even if he was acting. He will never say he doesn't love her because Harmony is his whole world "Some things were brought to light. The team thinks you were behind it" 

JJ scoffed walking closer to Spencer "Of course they do. Little miss perfect is stalked and I'm the suspect" 

"You got it kid" 

Spencer smirked "I didn't say anything about Harmony being stalked" JJ eyes widen realizing her mistake, she hand went to her waist when Spencer pulled out his gun "Hands up" the others walked onto the plane. JJ looked at them wide eyed before turning around to run when Emily, Derek and the guard stood in front of her 

"Jennifer Jareau, you are under arrested for stalking" Spencer said cuffing JJ hands behind her back "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." Spencer read her, her Miranda rights leading her off the plane not caring for the many cameras on him 


 Harmony laid in bed staring at the ceiling. After the team brought JJ in for questioning, she was being held in one of the holding ceils until tomorrow morning were she would be transfer to prison until her hearing "Baby" Harmony turned her head to see Spencer leaning against the doorway looking at her worriedly

Harmony didn't say anything as she opened her arms in a silent question. Spencer pushed off the doorway and walked over to the bed, laying down next to his girlfriend he pulled her close to him wrapping his arms around her waist as Harmony laid her head on his chest "What's wrong?" Spencer asked 

"I feel like I ruined everything" Harmony muttered "Will is divorced, you and the others lost your friend. I feel like none of this would have happened if I was never in your life" 

Spencer heart broke, he couldn't- wouldn't- think about a life were Harmony wasn't in it. Before her, he never felt like he could ever have a relationship with anyone. He was the nerd, the one parents wanted as kids but not because they loved him but because they loved his brain. The one his own mother couldn't stand sometimes because of the job he worked. He didn't believe he was capable of being loved

"Don't say that" Spencer whispered his voice breaking making Harmony sit up "Don't ever say that" Spencer pushed himself up looking into his girlfriend brown eyes that remind him of dark chocolate "Harmony, I don't want to even image what my life would be like right now with you in it. You're my whole world, I can't... I can't do this without you" 

Harmony shook her head "You were fine without me for years" she pointed out. Truth be told Harmony couldn't even believe the relationship lasted this long. She wasn't the type of girl Spencer should want. She was a figure skater, who drove a motorcycle when out alone. Who wore dark clothing. The girl parents told their kids not to play with because when she was young she was so angry she couldn't control her anger. She wasn't the girl Spencer was supposed to love

"No I wasn't" Harmony blinked at the honesty in that sentence. Spencer licked his lips "Harmony before you came into my life, I was going through the motion. I didn't have anyone in my corner, yes I had the team but I couldn't go to them without them thinking I was having a relapse... Harmony I was lost before meeting you. I don't want to be lost again" 

"... You won't be" That was a promise. Harmony promised herself that she wouldn't allow Spencer to become lost again. She was going to be there for him, no matter what. Through the bad and good. Strom and Sun. She was going to be there for her boyfriend. 

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