Chapter 11

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Harmony and Spencer laid in bed together "It was nice meeting the team and seeing Will again. I missed him" Harmony told Spencer as she laid on his chest "Hmm, if I knew you and Will were childhood friends I would have brought you over sooner" Spencer told her feeling a bit bad that he hadn't known the cop and cop son his girlfriend talked so much about was his friend

"It's fine Spence, I never mentioned them by name so you couldn't have know" Harmony told him already knowing he was beating himself up over not knowing "Speaking of which, I need to call Amanda and tell her. The three of us will need to hang out again" Harmony told him suddenly happy and got out of bed to call Amanda to tell her the good news

Spencer chuckled tucking his arm behind his head watching his girl talk with Amanda with a smile on his face wondering how the hell he got so lucky. He's got a great girl, improved his relationship with Aaron and Penny (Garcia), made new friends and is starting to change himself for the better


A week later Spencer walked in the office wearing all black. Today Harmony picked out his outfit, going with sophisticated but hot. She decided for black jeans, a black V-neck, brown boots and since winter is coming Harmony bought him a new black coat

 She decided for black jeans, a black V-neck, brown boots and since winter is coming Harmony bought him a new black coat

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"Woah! Looking good Spencer" Derek whistled from his desk. Spencer smiled at him setting his bag and coffee cup down "Thanks" he took off his coat leaving him in his short sleeve V-neck. Derek took one look and started choking on his coffee.

Spencer threw his coat on his desk and rushed towards Derek patting his back as he started coughing, everyone turned to the sound of coughing and some started coughing on their coffee was well

Emily, Garcia and JJ walked through the office doors just having got in as Aaron and Rossi walked out of their office to find out why everyone was coughing when they took one look at what everyone was looking at and started chuckling themselves. JJ mouth drops open seeing Spencer as Emily and Garcia have amused smiles seeing the confused look on Spencer face as to why everyone was staring at him

"This was not the sight I thought I'd walk in on today" Emily commented walking towards her desk shooting Spencer a smile "I'm confused" Spencer told her as Derek looked at him in disbelief. There was the sweet innocent kid they all knew "Spencer, In the 8 years you worked here, I don't think anyone has ever seen you in a short sleeve shirt. And definitely not one that shows off so much muscle" Garcia giggled walking over to him

Spencer looked down finally realizing the reason people starting coughing was because they were shocked he had muscles

Spencer looked down finally realizing the reason people starting coughing was because they were shocked he had muscles

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