Chapter 2

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It's been a couple of days after Spencer saved Harmony from getting hit by a car. They've been texting and have decided to meet up for coffee this morning seeing it's Saturday and neither have work. 

"Thanks for agreeing to go here" Harmony told Spencer as they take a seat in the back. Harmony picked one of her favorite coffee shops, it's close to both their apartments funny enough but also because there are rows of books lined up on the wall. "Thank you for showing me this place. How I never been here I don't know" Spencer smiled at the girl

The waitress brought over their drinks. Harmony got a caramel Macchiato, while Spencer got regular coffee, with 5 sugars and some creamer "So, I know you said you were a figure skater. Where do you skate at?" Spencer asked wanting to get to know more about the beautiful girl in front of him 

"I skate for the D.C. elite. It takes years to get into, but it only took my 2 they said I had some real talent. I do some competitions, I am hoping along with my coaches that I make it to the Olympics this year" Harmony spoke with such a passion it made Spencer smile. "The Olympics are being held in 8 months. If I score in a good place next Sunday, I get to go. I really hope I do" This has been Harmony dream ever since she was 2 and she saw her mother and father who were figure skater partners on the ice for the first time

She thought that dream was crushed when she was put into foster care after her parents died, but thanks with the help of a cop back in her home city and her best friend she was able to take lessons and when she had to run away they both helped her. Her best friend Amanda running with her 

"How about you, where do you work? I remember you saying, you finished up a case. Are you a cop or something?" Spencer took a sip of his coffee, he doesn't want to talk about work but Harmony opened up about her dream so he can at least answer her question "I work as a profiler for the FBI" 

"Ohh, FBI. Okay I didn't expect that" Harmony laughed seeing he was a little hesitant to answer "So, you like to read?" A smile formed on Spencer face as he started talking about all the different books he has read over the years. Harmony only sat and listen, occasionally adding in something if she read the same book

They spent the time talking and laughing both never thought they would find someone who they actually like, it came to an end when Spencer phone started to ring. He looked up giving her a apologetic look as he answer "Reid" he was silent for a few minutes before hanging up looking at Harmony "I'm so sorry, that was work I have a new case" Harmony only smiled laying her hand on top of his "Spencer breath" she laughs a little "It's okay, go save some lives. When you get back we can meet up again" 

Spencer shot her a smile as they both stood up, "Thank you for understanding. I really have to go" he thinks for a moment before leaning down and kissing her cheek "I will text you later" he whispers sending shivers down her spin. Harmony could only nod and watch him leave cheeks red


Spencer walked into the room seeing he was the last one to arrive "Sorry, I was meeting with someone" he took his seat between Hotch and Morgan the former giving him a confused look but nodded for Garcia to present 

"All right you guys will be headed down to New York. 3 woman found dead all in nation parks. They were posed to look like they were sleeping, each death happened 2 weeks after the body was found another turned up. Latest body was found last night, Jean White, 28, she was a wife and had I kid" Garcia started pulling up the picture on the screen 

"A missing person was filed this morning. Meet Ellie Medina, 28. Her boyfriend of 3 years called her in when she never showed up to pick up their 3 year old daughter from daycare. Her car was found 2 blocks away from the daycare with her phone and bag still inside. Police thinks our perp took her" 

Aaron nodded and looked at the team "Alright guys wheels up in 30" Everyone started grabbing the files and headed down to their desk, Morgan walks over to Spencer who was pulling out his to-go bag from under his desk "So pretty boy. Where, were you?" Spencer looked at Morgan thinking for a moment about telling him about Harmony

He knows Morgan will be happy for him and will encourage him but he also knows that Morgan will tell the rest of the team and he doesn't want JJ to find out. For a couple of months now JJ has been acting different around him and he doesn't like it. Not only are him and Will good friends but he also sees her as a sister rather than someone he likes, not since he was 24. 

"Just meeting with one of my friends. We had coffee together" Spencer told him deciding not to tell him about Harmony just yet, he wanted to wait to see if they're relationship would go anywhere "Just a friend?" Morgan asked looking at him. Spencer nodded grabbing his bag and file "Yeah" 


Harmony decided since Spencer was working a case she would go to the skating rink to practice some of her moves and the choreography for the competition coming up. She wants everything to be perfect so she called up her partner Josh, AKA her gay best friend "Hey Josh want to meet up at the rink?"

"Sure sounds good, I'm not doing anything. But I thought you were meeting with that cute guy who saved your life....Spencer right?" Josh asked over the phone 

"Yeah but he got called in for a case. He will let me know when he's back in town" Harmony told him, she was a little sad their date got cut short but she knew Spencer was needed and she would see him again 

"Well I'll meet you in 20" 

Harmony hung up the phone, making sure her skates were tied tight and her leggings were pulled over the skates, she got on the ice, doing a few warm up laps before starting her music 

Hearing clapping she turns around seeing Josh and his boyfriend Ethan standing there. Josh dressed the same way she is. Blue tights, with black long sleeves. Ethan is just wearing jeans with a sweatshirt "Great as always Harmony" Ethan told her as she skated to the edge he gives her a kiss on her cheek 

"Thanks Ethan. Good enough to win me a good spot next Sunday?" Ethan gives her a gently smile knowing how important next Sunday is to both his best friend and boyfriend "You guys will kill it. I know you will" Harmony and Josh smiled at Ethan before Josh got on the ice "Let's do this" they both skate out to the middle starting their dance 

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