Chapter 7

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Harmony was in her dressing room finishing up her makeup. Today was the competition and her nervous were all over the place, Josh was sitting on the couch behind her "Harmony, breath everything will be okay" Josh told her. Harmony looked at him through the mirror "Don't say that you might jinx us. Spencer isn't here yet, I go on first, and we need to place into the top 5 to be allowed to go onto the Olympics"

Josh got up to stand behind her laying his hands on her shoulder "Harmony stop worrying. You worry to much and you will get into your head that you can't do this. It's going to be okay" Harmony took a deep breath before nodding "Good, now give me a brush so I can do your hair"

Laughing she hands over her brush relaxing in her seat as Josh did her hair into braided buns, something she always wore when she knew she was going to take her hair out for another dance. 12 minutes later Josh was done

 12 minutes later Josh was done

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Harmony stood up and looked over herself in the mirror making sure her outfit and hair is good she turned to Josh "You look perfect

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Harmony stood up and looked over herself in the mirror making sure her outfit and hair is good she turned to Josh "You look perfect. Now go they're going to be starting soon" Harmony gives him one last smile before rushing out to meet her coach "Hey, you ready?" Barbra her coach asked her when she entered the booth

"As ready as I'll ever be"


Spencer was waiting outside the rink for Hotch and Garcia, both were supposed to meet him here so they can watch Harmony "Hey there boy wonder" he turned around seeing Hotch and Garcia walking towards him

"Hey glad you guys could make it" he hugs Garcia while Hotch gave him a pat on the back "We wouldn't pass on the opportunity to meet the girl who speak so highly about" Spencer smiled at both of them "Come on" he leads them inside handing over the tickets they take their seats waiting for Harmony to come on "Spencer!"

The three of them turned around to see a girl with red hair, about 5'6 and wearing a blue dress walk over to them "Amanda hey" he gets up to hug the girl before turning to Hotch and Garcia "This is Amanda, Harmony best friend" Amanda waves to them "Hi"

After 6 skater went it was now Harmony "Act Number 7. Harmony Matthew with the D.C. Elite" Harmony skates out onto the ice as people starting cheering. Spencer got up cheering for her. Harmony took her spot in the middle of the ice as the music started

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