Chapter 8

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It's been two months since Aaron and Garcia met Harmony, over the two months they have met up with each other almost every weekend and Aaron even brought Jack over tonight since they planned to have a game night 

"Coming!" Harmony called out as Spencer set the board games on the table "Hey guys" Harmony opened the door to see Aaron, Garcia, Josh and Ethan standing there along with a kid "Come in. See you're dressed for the night" Spencer told everyone to dress comfortable

The guys are wearing sweatpants and T-shirts while Garcia is wearing pink leggings and a over size blue sweatshirt "Who is this cutie?" Harmony kneeled down in front of Jack who was matching his father with grey sweats and a black T-shirt "I'm Jack" He introduced himself with a gummy smile 

"Aww, you are so cute" Harmony heart melted at his smile "Come on, Spence and Amanda just finished setting up" Everyone followed her into her living room where Spencer was sitting on the floor and Amanda was on the sofa. Spencer was wearing black sweats and a black V-neck 

"Uncle Spencer!" Jack ran over to Spencer jumping on him knocking him on his back "Oof" Spence groaned "Jack!" he wrapped his arms around his young nephew. Harmony laughed before pulling out her phone and taking a picture of him and Jack on the floor "Alright, let's start this game night!" Amanda called 

"What do you want to play first? Monopoly? Uno? Twister?" she holds out three different games "Monopoly!" Jack yelled sitting up  

"Alright, look's like we're playing Monopoly" Josh said sitting at the end on the table with Ethan next to him "Single or teams?" Garcia asked sitting in front of the sofa with Aaron next to her "Team!" Jack said "I want to be with uncle Spencer!" he wrapped his arms around Spencer neck

"Stealing my boyfriend already, are we?" Harmony teased him with a smile sitting on the other end of the table with Amanda next to her "Fine. Jack and Spencer. Amanda and I. Aaron and Garcia. Ethan and Josh" Harmony teamed up the group

Her and Spencer shared a look, they were trying to get Garcia and Aaron together faster so whenever they were around everyone made sure they always paired up "Alight you guys get the game set up. I'm gonna order food" Ethan walked to the kitchen looking for some food pamphlets  

"Do you guys want Pizza or Tai?" Ethan called out "Tai!" Everyone called back. Ethan nodded and picked up the Tai pamphlet walking back to the group "Alright, pick out what you want" he hands over the pamphlet 

Once everyone picked out what they wanted Ethan made the call as Amanda and Harmony finished setting up the board game. Harmony and Amanda were the dog. Jack and Spencer were the car. Garcia and Aaron were the hat. Ethan and Josh were the boat. 

"Come on, Ethan!" Josh called out. Ethan walked out and sat back down "Ready" he picked up the dice ready to roll


JJ was sitting at the kitchen table on her laptop trying to hack into Spencer phone. Garcia told her a month ago she hadn't found anything on Spencer but she wouldn't let this go, something was wrong with her friend and hopefully lover soon. 

She just needed to find out "Hey" Will walked in the kitchen heading to the fridge. JJ quickly switched her screen so it shows some paperwork for the FBI "How's the paperwork going?" he kissed her head putting a water in front of her 

JJ sighs looking at her husband "It's going. Just a few more things to input and I'm done for the night" Will nodded. He looked at her when she turned back to her laptop, he knows she's up to something. Something to do with Spencer, Derek had been worried and warned him that JJ is getting a little to comfortable in his life 

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