Chapter 5

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It's been two days since the team heard the phone call Spencer had with Harmony. The team expect Spencer and JJ were seated around a table at a restaurant for dinner after they finished work. Spencer is at the rink with Harmony watching her skate and JJ is trying to find out where Spencer went 

They each talked to each other while Derek and Emily had their own conversation, Emily once again worried that Spencer is back on drugs "Emily, Spencer isn't on drugs. He has a new friend that's all" Derek told her taking a bite of his chicken "Or a new drug dealer" Emily told him but her voice carried out to the other

The conversations stopped and everyone turned to the two "Drug dealer?" Garcia asked. Derek sighed and motioned to Emily "Emily thinks Spencer relapsed" 

"Reid was on drugs?" Rossi asked surprise. "Reid was kidnapped and was drugged multiple times" Hotch told him before looking at Emily "Why would you even think He's back on drugs?" 

"Just look at him. He's canceling plans with us, spending more time away, dresses different sometimes, he doesn't stay at his apartment most of the time. He even bought a new phone" Emily told them 

Hotch sighed, so he can see why she thinks Spence is back on drugs but it doesn't mean he is. He can just want to change a little "You know why Spencer cancels most of the time. He doesn't want to spend time with JJ" Derek told her 

"JJ isn't here and he still told us he couldn't be here. Said he was meeting his friend" Emily shot back

Before they could start a fight Hotch cut in "Look, why don't I just talk to Spencer tomorrow. It's better than thinking he's back on drugs, I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason why he's acting different" 

Emily and Derek shared a look before nodding in agreement. Derek was sure Spencer wasn't on drugs again, while Emily was just worried about her friend 


Spencer sat on the bench watching Harmony practice her movement, the competition is in three days and she's been more stressed. This was her chance in getting into the Olympics and she didn't want to mess up. Spencer looked at the time 8:49, they need to leave if they want to catch the movie 

"Harmony!" Spencer called, Harmony skated over to him, as he held out the protective covers for her skates "We need to leave if we want to catch the movie" Harmony grabbed the covers as Spencer handed her, her water bottle 

"How did I do?" she asked sitting down next to Spence and grabbing her sneakers "You were amazing baby, and I know you will crush it on Sunday" Spencer pressed a kiss to her head. Harmony smiled at him grabbing his hand "Will you be there?" 

"If we don't get called out to a case, I wouldn't miss it for the world" Spencer smiled at his girl seeing the light in her eyes. This would be the first time Spencer would see her skate in a competition and not just for practice 


Harmony sighed happily as she cuddled more into Spencer. She traced along his face as he slept, last night the movie they were watching was about an undercover cop in a drug ring and they found out, it had a drug scene were they forced the cop to take drugs

She noticed it was bothering Spencer that's when he told her about his addiction and how hard it was to get off of drugs. Harmony immediately got him out of the movie theater not wanting him to relive one of the worst moment of his life

Since he opened up to her she decided to open up to him, she told him about her childhood, going from one foster house to another before landing in an abusive household and running away when she was 16 with help from a cop and her best friend Amanda. She told him how they ran away to New York but the family found them so they cop helped again and got them away to D.C

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