Chapter 16

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Harmony was at the café her and Spencer had their first date as reading a book and drinking a cup of coffee. Spencer and his team was working on a case in New York, Amanda was working with some clients today and Josh and Ethan were visiting Josh parents for the day so she was alone for the day since Jess was watching Jack and Will was working on the divorce 

She was sitting on one of the arm chairs in the back when someone walked past her, dropping a yellow envelop in front of her. Harmony jumped not expecting that "Ma'am" she grabbed the envelop and looked up but the woman was gone, looking down at the envelop she saw her name written on the front "What the Hell" 

She set her book down and opened the envelop pulling out the papers, she saw photos of her on the ice, her and Josh practicing, her and Spencer out on dates, her and the team together, her, Will and Amanda together. Looking at them she sees writing on the back on one of the photos. Turning it around there was a warning 

'I'm a private detective. I was hired by someone to find things out about you, I wasn't sure at first but still took the case. The person who hired me seemed off and didn't give me a real name, I checked. These photo's were sent to me by the person. I would get help. Call if you need help at xxx-xxxx-xxxx' 

Harmony looked at the note before looking around she quickly put everything away before grabbing her coffee and leaving. She pulled out her keys making a quick decision she heads to Spencer job knowing Garcia would be there 


Walking towards Garcia office, she kept the envelop tightly to her chest looking back and forth. She didn't feel safe, anywhere since some of the photos where of her and the team in the bullpen. Making it to Garcia office, she knocks

"Come in!" 

Opening the door she quickly stepped through and closed it with a sigh leaning against the door "Harmony?" Garcia turned towards her worried. Harmony looked at friend, not even seeing the team on the screen-expect JJ who was taking 3 weeks leave to get everything in order-who looked at her worried. They were already on the Jet home, they only called Garcia to let her know they were coming home early 

"Pen" her voice breath as tears filled her eyes. Garcia immediately jumped up and pulled her into a hug, a hug which Harmony returned tightly. On the screen, Spencer and Aaron looked more worried then the others "Harmony, what happened?" Garcia asked pulling back and gently guiding her to the empty seat she keeps 

Harmony didn't say anything as she handed Garcia the envelope. Garcia grabbed it confused before opening it "Oh My God" she looked through all the photos before looking at the note in the back "It's okay. It's okay, we're going to find this person and put him away" Garcia pulled her into another hug, looking at the team and mouthing 'Later' before she hung up "I promise, your going to be okay" 


Spencer, Aaron, Derek, Rossi and Emily rushed out the elevator and towards the conference room. Agent's looked at them as they rushed past but didn't say anything as they saw early that Garcia led Harmony who looked shaken there 

"Baby" Spencer rushed into the room seeing his girlfriend sitting next to Garcia who was rubbing her back "Spence" she jumped into his arms. Spencer held his girl tightly as Emily shut the door, the team looked at the photos laid out on the table and the letter written on the back "Who could have done this?" Derek asked looking at a photo of Harmony and the team leaving the building "It has to be someone on the inside, they couldn't have gotten these photos otherwise" 

Aaron looked back at Harmony who was still in Spencer arms, "I think we all know who's doing this" Spencer caught his eye and sighed, "JJ" Aaron nodded. She has been more... unpredictable since Will left and has been trying harder to get to Spencer whenever she was at work, that's why they gave her 3 weeks off. She believes it to get her stuff together but really it's for them to find a way to get her transferred 

"We just need proof this is her" Rossi said pulling out his phone "What are doing?" Harmony asked turning to face the team, her back against Spencer chest "Calling in a favor" he told her putting the phone to his ear 

Everyone was silent as Rossi waited for the person to pick up the phone. Emily, Derek and Aaron were looking at the photos as Spencer and Garcia were with Harmony keeping her calm, none could even imagine how she's feeling right now knowing that her boyfriend once friend is stalking her and hired a private detective to find who knows what about her

"Hey, I need you down here. I'm calling in that favor" Rossi said once the person answered not even caring about greeting's right now. Harmony has become a daughter to him in the months they knew her and he would be damned if JJ caused this young woman any harm "Good" he hung up and turned to the others "She'll be here in 10 minutes" Aaron nodded before turning to Emily "We're going to need Strauss down here as well" 

"I'll get her" Emily walked out the room 


"What do you mean your dropping me!" JJ yelled over the phone. She just called the private detective she hired only for them to tell her she won't continue working for her 

"You heard what I said. I'm dropping you and I won't help you" The detective said "Not only did you not give me any information on the reason why you wanted me to looking into this Harmony girl, you also sent me photos of not only Harmony but of also other people and what I can tell from the angles of the photos, that group had no idea you even took them" 

JJ let out a sigh "So what! I sent you those photo's to help you, and who cares how I got the photos! It's not like they will ever know" 

"Why are you so caught up on this girl?"

"She took my boyfriend!" JJ yelled 

"Aren't you married and getting divorced?" 

"It doesn't matter! She took my boyfriend and she ruined my marriage. They both are mine and she took them from me! And you will help me get dirt on her" 

"I will not and if you continue pushing I will give your contact information to the police" 

JJ let out a laugh making the private detective shiver, she sounded unhinge "Go ahead and try. Who are they going to believe, you a private detective? Or a highly respected FBI Agent" she sounded smug thinking she had nothing on her

The detective smirked "I wouldn't push me. Goodbye Ms. Jareau" she hung up on her. JJ screamed and threw her phone on the sofa before taking deep breaths. "It's okay, she has nothing on me" JJ muttered

What she didn't know was that the detective recorded the call. Grabbing the recording and her bag, the detective packed up her stuff and her phone before making a call "Rossi, I'll be over in 5" she said locking up her office     



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