Chapter 21

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Harmony, Amanda, Jack and Henry laid on the hard ground unconscious "They should wake up soon" JJ told her partner "Good" the person responded gazing down at Harmony possessiveness bright in their eyes as they crouched down in front of Harmony "Just a little more time Harmony, then your safe" they whispered lowly so JJ couldn't hear them 


Will, Ethan and Josh rushed off the elevator, coming face to face with Garcia "Follow me" Garcia turned on her heels and walked through the bullpen with the three men following after her. They were all worried, Ethan and Josh having been with Will- to surprise the girls with some chocolates as a thank you,- when he got the call that his sister's and son were missing and his crazy ex-wife escaped prison 

When they got the call, the immediately rushed over, wanting to do anything to help find their family. "Aaron" Will called entering the conference room. The team plus Strauss and the private detective from before Eleanor Jackson were scattered around the room, different papers around the room, and the video from Harmony and Spencer apartment on the screen 

The three stopped seeing Harmony, Amanda, Jack and Henry unconscious being carried out. Harmony and Amanda being carried by one person and Jack and Henry being carried by who they could make out to be JJ "Is that blood?" Ethan asked softly seeing blood drip from Harmony shoulder 

Strauss turned off the screen "Will, Ethan, Josh" Spencer walked up grabbing their attention "They're- They're- Wha-Gone" Will stuttered holding his chest as he stumbled back. Ethan and Josh grabbed him before he could fall. Derek quickly pulled a chair "Sit him here" Ethan and Josh gently sat Will in the seat 

"Lean forward, head between your legs" Spencer told him pressing gently on Will back to move him. Will leaned forward resting his hands on his knees, Spencer turned to Emily "Can you get him a water?" 

"Yeah" Emily left the room. Spencer crouched down in front of Will as he rubbed the man back "Good, just like that. Just breath" Spencer told him in a calm voice. The others stood in silence watching the two, after a minute or two Emily walked back in with a bottle water, "Come up, sit up slowly" Spencer told Will

Will slowly sat up with Spencer helping him before Emily handed him the water. Spencer turned his attention to the pale looking couple and offered them a small painful smile "Sit down guys" He told them softly. Of course the three of them would be taking this just as hard as he is, their sister's are missing and Will only child is missing as well. Aaron is handling it a little better but he was just as worried seeing as his friend's and son are missing 

Ethan looked around the room stopping at Eleanor "What is she doing here?" He asked confused wondering why the PI or PD whatever she's called is here "We were hoping she could help us find the girls and kids since she help before" Rossi told him. He nodded, Harmony did say it was Eleanor who helped out and informed her what JJ was trying to do last time 

"Have you guys found anything?" Will asked voice raspy. The team looked at Hotch who nodded at Eleanor "So far I've found some people Jennifer could have had help her. I'm going to name off a few, stop me if you recognize anyone" The three nodded, though everyone knew it would be Will who would be the most helpful since he's known Harmony and Amanda longer, even with those years they haven't seen each other  

"Damien Atwater... Stella Grace... Kevin Whitmore.... Elliot Avery-" 

"Wait" Will stopped her "Elliot Avery. From New Orleans" Elanor looked at her tablet "Yeah, it says both Harmony and Amanda were foster kids in that home. Amanda was removed and put into another one than a week later both of them-" 

"Disappeared" Spencer and Will finished. The team looked at them with raised eyebrows "Harmony talked about running away from a foster parent down in New Orleans. Amanda joined her because she didn't want her to be alone" Spencer told them leaning against the wall. Will cleared his throat 

"I remember some of that day. Harmony and Amanda showed up at my house when I just got back from work. Harmony looked like she was crying, Amanda looked enraged. My daddy sent me to my room while he talked to the girls, I can't remember everything that was said but I know that was the last time I saw Harmony and Amanda, all I got was a letter explaining something happened and they couldn't stay there anymore" 

Hotch looked at Garcia "Garcia-" 

"On it" Garcia sat down pulling the laptop on the table closer to her and started typing. She looked at New Orleans records from the CVS foster care systems and pulled up Elliot Avery "Okay. Elliot Avery, started fostering kids when he was 26 with his wife Kennedy Avery, they have 2 kids a son and daughter. Alex and Ember Avery-oh" Garcia stopped and stared at the information 

"What is it baby girl?" Derek asked gaining a look from Struss but she didn't say anything. Everyone knows of the strange friendship between Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan it wasn't anything new  "Elliot along with his wife and son were murdered three weeks ago" 

The groups eyes widen. Garcia pulled up the police report "It seems like they were all shot in the head with the father's gun. The police found, oh wow" Garcia eyes widen as she continued to read the report "They found the gun covered in the daughters finger prints and a kid locked in a bedroom" 

"Was the kid injured?" Emily asked. "Yes but not from the daughter. From what the kid said, the Avery's were abusive and Ember protected her as much as she could, uh. 'Ember locked me in the room every night so the others couldn't get to me and hurt me like she said they did to one of her other sisters' was what the kid said" 

Spencer bit his lip not liking how that sounded. Harmony left New Orleans after something happened to her, she showed up to Will house crying, Ember locked the kid in the room for her own safety at night. He doesn't like what his gut is telling him. Aaron looked at him and he knew he was thinking the same thing 

"Will" Will looked at Hotch "We need you to remember exactly what happened that night. Will you be okay to be put into a trace like state to get the information?" Will shook his head "Not at all. If it helps find them faster, do it" He just wanted his sister's and son back in his arms. Hotch nodded and turned to Emily and Derek "You to take him to my office, get him settled and trying to get him to remember" 

The two nodded and motioned for him to follow them "Garcia" he turned his attention on her "Get in contact with the New Orleans police, get us everything on the Avery case and see if Will father ever reported the family before he died" 

"Yes Sir" Garcia left to her cave "Everyone else let's keep working" The team nodded and got back to work


Harmony blinked her eyes open, the first thing she saw was bright lights, with a hiss she closed her eyes before opening them again. The second thing she saw was the bodies of her sister and the kids "Amanda, Henry, Jack" Harmony tried getting up but fell back when she felt a shard pain going through her right arm 

"Don't move to much" A voice said from her left "I just finished stitching you up" Harmony head snapped towards the voice. A girl was standing in front of her, her back towards her so Harmony could only see the woman was about 5'6 with brown curly hair 

"Wh-Who are you?" Harmony asked. The woman turned around and Harmony immediately knew who was standing in front of her. She could never forget those eyes, those kind eyes that protected her when no one else in that house would "Ember" She breathed out  

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