Chapter 3

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Harmony was at the rink practicing, the competition is in  4 days and she needs to make sure her turns and jumps are sharp. She can't afford not to be the best, this is what she's been training for, as she stepped out of the rink her phone went off

Putting on her protective covers over her blades she walked over to her bag. Pulling out her phone she sees it's a message from Spencer 

'Hey Harmony. Just got back, wondering if we can catch up for coffee tomorrow before I head to work?' 

Harmony smiled. Spencer came home after their first date for two days before he was pulled out again but they spent a lot of time together. He visited her home a couple of times when he was home and even stayed over a few times. 

'I would love too' she sent back before changing out of her skates and into her sneakers. Packing up her bag, she heads out to the cold night walking to the subway since she road with Josh this morning and seeing he left at 8 and it's 3 in the morning she doesn't have a ride

As she walked, she could feel the bruises on her body because of how many times she fell on the ice. She's trying to land a triple axial but she couldn't for the life of her stick the landing, now it's not part of her routine for this competition but if she passes and makes it the Olympics it needs to be in that routine

Sighing Harmony sits down in the back of the subway when her phone goes off, taking her phone out she sees Spencer calling her "Hey Spence" she answered with a yawn 

"Hey, did I wake you?" Spencer asked as he looked through his bag for that book Harmony gave him 

"No" Harmony told him, crossing her legs on the seat and leaning back "I'm heading home"

"This late?" Spencer stopped what he was doing "Please tell me your not walking? It's very dangerous at this time" he didn't want the girl he liked to be walking around at 3 in the morning 

"Relax Spencer, I'm okay. Not walking, I'm on the subway. Josh gave me a ride today but he left around 8 so I have to take the subway to get home"  

Spencer stood quickly looking over the subway hoping to catch her, he did. In the back Harmony was sitting in her seat Chris crossed leaning her head on her seat. She was wearing black leggings, white sneakers, and a baby blue long sleeve shirt. He smiled and quietly walked over "So am I"

Harmony head shot up staring at Spencer with wide eyes "Spence" she smiled brightly seeing her boyfriend "I thought you were still at work. Don't you have paperwork after every case?" Spencer sat down next to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder 

"We do but Hotch decided to let us go home so we can just do the paperwork tomorrow" he told her kissing her head. Harmony leaned on him before wincing when her leg pressed on his, right were one of the bruises were 

Spencer noticed immediately making him sit up in worry "Are you okay? What happened?" Harmony sighs resting her head on his shoulder letting him know she's okay "I feel a couple of times. I'm trying to land a triple axial but I can't stick the landing" Spencer nodded but he still felt worried for his girlfriend

They pulled up to Harmony stop making her stand although she put a little to much pressure on her right leg where most of the bruises are making her wince again. She would need to ice her leg when she gets home. Spencer looked between her and the doors before standing up, grabbing both of their bags and her hand in his free one pulling her out of the subway 

"Spencer, what are you doing? Your stop is not for another two more" Harmony told him but didn't stop him from pulling her out of the subway "I'm walking you home. 1. I don't like you walking around D.C. at 3 in the morning alone and 2. I can tell your right leg is hurt so I'm making sure you don't hurt yourself more"

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