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"hello, i'm lee minho. you must be kim sooah?"

the woman looked up, startled by minho's voice, as if she hadn't even heard him arrive.

"ah!" she exclaimed, shutting her phone off and placing it far away from her. "y-yes i am... nice to meet you, minho-ssi." her eyes raked over his face and a pink tint glowed on her already reddened cheeks.

minho shook his head. "oh, please, there is no need for formalities. 'minho' is just fine."

the woman nodded. "yes, sorry about that. you can just call me 'sooah'!" minho smiled and nodded.

minho would not deny that this woman was beautiful. her hair was long and put up into the prettiest bun, silver earrings dangling from her ears and rings decorating her manicured fingers.

she wore a stunning dress of silver and white, starkly contrasting minho's choice of black and grey, making her seem as if she was glowing under the golden chandelier light.

"would you like something to drink, sooah?" he asked, briefly scanning over the drinks menu that was placed before them.

the woman's mouth opened slightly before she shook her head. "you can order something if you'd like. i don't usually drink."

"ahh." minho said, nodding. "don't worry, i'm the same. let's just wait for appetizers, shall we?"

sooah's face seemed to brighten at that, a more genuine smile gracing her lips. her shoulders relaxed like she had been hoping he'd say that. "okay!" she leaned forward slightly, her head resting in her palm. "so what do you do, minho? if you don't mind me asking."

"sure." he looked away, finding the woman's gaze too intense. "i'm a veterinarian. recently graduated."

she gasped at the information, her eyes widening. "wow! good looking and you're a doctor!" she smirked and seemed to lean into her palm even further, fully entranced by minho.

the man squirmed in his seat and rubbed the back of his neck, starting to get uncomfortable. this was always something that was brought up during his conversations with women. his looks and his job.

"hahaha, thanks i guess." he only said, unconsciously checking his watch.

7:46 PM


minho's brain seemed to ting! as he remembered something. just fifteen more minutes of this and he could escape.

"so, what about you? what do you do?" minho asked, as a form of courtesy.

sooah smiled. "i'm a model." she definitely looked like one. "i got scouted last year and have been working since then. when i finally got a permanent position, my agency let me take a break and well..." she gestured vaguely to the table and minho himself.

the man let out a noise of understanding, wiping his clammy hands against his pants.

7:49 PM

"how old are you?" she asked.

he winced. "29."

sooah's eyes widened. "wow. you look young for your age. i'm 23." minho only nodded, unsure of what to say.

7:53 PM

"uhm... do you have any family? pets?" minho tried to ask, his voice coming out a little more shaky than he would've liked (though from nervousness or excitement, he couldn't tell).

the woman shook her head. "no pets or siblings. my dad is a producer from my agency. what about you?"

minho shrugged. "no siblings either, but i like to think my 3 cats are like little brothers. my parents are your regular civil servants."

"cute!" sooah squealed, the smile from her face not falling.

7:58 PM

"sir, ma'am, your appetizers." minho heaved a mental sigh of relief as the waiter chipped into their conversation to placed a tray onto their table. it was filled with breadsticks, crackers, cheese, and all sort of little condiments.

sooah sucked in a breath, her eyes flitting away from minho for the first time in half and hour to look at the food that arrived.

minho pressed his lips together. "please, ladies first." he beckoned, allowing the woman to eat first.

"don't mind if i do, then!" she exclaimed and chomped on a breadstick. minho checked his watch.

8:00 PM

minho stiffened. one minute.

sooah rambled on about something while minho stared at her with a blank expression, his leg bouncing nervously as he waited for the seconds to pass by.

after what seemed like hours, there was the sudden ring of minho's phone. it wasn't loud enough to disturb any of the neighbouring tables, but loud enough to get sooah to stop talking suddenly.

something in minho's chest loosened as he heard the sound, revelling in it like it was the sweetest lullaby in the world.

sooah looked between minho and his phone, her smile faltering slightly. minho smiled nervously. "sorry..." he said and picked it up to check who had called.

calling you...

hannie 🐿️

accept | decline

"i'm... i'm so sorry." minho looked from his phone to sooah. "i have to take this."

i hope no one comments on the fact that lee know will leave without paying.. let's just say that you need to pay to book the reservation and lee know already did that :)

also kim sooah is a made up character. she is not meant to represent any idol or celebrity

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