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the walk to the small flower shop at the end of the street was a short one, seeing as it was a convenient distance away from many of the city's main office buildings.

however, it also seemed to give off hole-in-the-wall vibes, nestled in a corner of the long road, almost invisible upon first glance.

as minho pushed the glass door open, the bell chimed and the pair were immediately met with a gust of warm air from the radiators whirring inside the room. he sighed in relief as he felt his fingertips and ears slowly thaw.

jisung was in a similar state, relaxing his frozen shoulders as the warmth seeped through his multiple padded jackets.

alongside it's warmth in temperature, the inside of the flower shops seemed warm to the eye. flowers, placed in lovely bunches in a variety of large and small vases, littered the shop, and the various colors seem to give the room a soft and friendly atmosphere.

that coupled with the intoxicating fragrance of fresh petals and the steady lo-fi loop playing in the background, seemed to evaporate away any remaining tension from minho and jisung's bodies.

a small figure worked on the cashier tabletop, his back facing them as he worked on wrapping a bouquet of flowers. he turned around at the sound of the ringing bell.

"hello, how many i help yo-" the man cut himself off as he recognised the faces before him. "oh, hey guys."

"hey, seungminnie!" jisung exclaimed, letting go of minho's hand where it was still intertwined in his pocket, and rushing up towards the counter to greet his roommate.

seungmin groaned. "i thought i could be free of seeing you for the whole day if i came to work and you went out but it's just my luck, isn't it?" he grumbled, continuing to prune a rose of its leaves and thorns.

jisung smiled brightly, leaning over the counter and watching his friend work. "we were at the park, but it got too cold. this was the closest warm place we could think of."

seungmin just hummed in acknowledgment. he looked up to the other man jisung was accompanying. "minho hyung." he said in greeting, nodding at him.

"hey, seungmin." minho smiled and walked towards the cashier as well. "sorry to bother you by bringing this squirrel back, but what he said really is true."

jisung made an indignant sound, pouting, and seungmin laughed, bunching the roses together and taking out a sheet of parchment paper.

minho wasn't entirely close with jisung's roommate. they had only met a few times when jisung had them over for movie nights, but seeing as majority of their time spent together was outside the house, he never got the chance to get to know the other man.

he didn't necessarily see it as a bad thing. it was nice to know jisung has his own life that wasn't always with minho. as much as he would've liked to be by jisung's side 24/7, seungmin was someone jisung treasured, and minho felt like he'd be overstepping by trying to join in.

minho watched as they interacted over the counter, bickering occasionally or laughing at something the other said, all meanwhile seungmin worked on his bouquets and jisung observed in awe. he smiled in mirth, before catching himself and looking away.

"since we're here, might as well buy something." he said and jisung nodded, turning to face him.

seungmin shrugged. "won't stop you. i get money anyways."

"aww!" jisung pouted, puffing out his cheeks. "we don't get a friend freebie? or at least a discount?!"

seungmin scoffed at that, as if the suggestion itself was ridiculous. "haha, no."

minho laughed before walking over to the shelves of vases and observing each delicate flower and the watercolor-esque pattern on their petals. vaguely, he registered jisung's presence behind him, lingering as if in thought.

"which is your favourite?" he asked, turning to the younger man.

jisung's eyes widened before he shrugged, looking back at the shelf. "i like all flowers but i guess if i had to choose... maybe daisies?" he nodded to himself, as if to confirm. "yeah, daisies are pretty."

minho smiled and nodded. jisung shrugged again and moved away to go back to talk with seungmin.

although jisung looked nonchalant and uncaring, minho could see the glint in his eyes as he gazed longingly at the vase of daisies.

he thought about it. he could get the flowers for jisung, right? there was nothing weird about giving your friend their favourite flowers.


was this chapter just an excuse for me to write about flower boy seungmin? possibly

will the next chapter also be about flower boy seungmin because he lives in my head rent free? also possibly

how are you all doing? :) ❣️

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