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the doorbell rang on that sunny day in june, and minho rushed to the door, opening it before beaming at the people in front of him.

"we're not late, are we?" hyunjin asked, leaning against the door, his signature long hair tied back into a half ponytail which exposed the small tattoo on his neck. next to him was jisung bearing the widest smirk on his face, running a hand through his hair and waving at minho.

minho let out a smile. "nope. my mom's just packing her bag." he looked behind him briefly before turning back. "you can wait inside, if you want. it's so hot out."

"yeah no shit, sherlock." jisung said sarcastically, minho stepping aside so that the two could enter the house.

the two boys collapsed onto the couch in the living room, relishing in the coolness of the indoors. "you guys look like you ran all the way here." minho said with a laugh, plopping himself down next to jisung.

the boy shrugged and leaned sideways, into minho, allowing his head to fall in the boy's lap.

"we took the bus cuz my mom had an emergency meeting." hyunjin said. "and you know how bad the a.c's are in those."

minho winced in sympathy, biting his lip. "eugh."

jisung chuckled weakly from his place in minho's lap. "hey, minho. tell your mom she can take as long as she wants. i'll just take a nap here..." he snuggled further into minho's thighs and minho winced in pain.

"wait! my legs will go numb!" he complained, already trying to peel the boy off him. jisung clung on though, like a large octopus, and minho gave up almost immediately.

hyunjin whined. "what about our plans? we've wanted to go to this park for months!" minho nodded and poked at jisung's exposed cheek, causing it to squish and make his lips pout.

"yeah, yeah okay. i'm awake." he mumbled, his eyes still closed.

hyunjin felt something brush against his leg and yelped, jumping 3 feet into the air. "oh. it's just you, soonie." he sighed and placed a hand over his heart to calm down before leaning down and stroking the cat's back gently.

minho laughed at his friend's dramatic reaction. the cat purred and sat between jisung's and hyunjin's feet, clearly comfortable despite the two extra people in the house.

"hey, boys." a voice cut into the room. it was minho's father.

hyunjin waved in greeting, nodding his head respectfully, and jisung shot up from his friend's lap, bowing to the man. minho pursed his lips to hide a smile. "hey, dad. are you going to work now?"

the man nodded, shaking his briefcase in the air, as if to show. "are you guys hungry? i think i saw your mother make sandwiches earlier..."

"noooo, those are for the trip!" a female voice interrupted their conversation, followed by the thudding of footsteps down the stairs.

minho's mother ran downstairs clutching a large picnic bag while trying to clip her hair up into a bun at the same time. she had a frantic look on her face, clearly frazzled by the timing.

the man laughed. "careful, dear." he placed a secure hand to the woman's waist as she stumbled. "slow down. don't hurt yourself."

"thank you." she said, but still flicked her eyes everywhere in panic. "i'm sorry, boys!" she yelled, her voice receding as she ran into the kitchen to collect the last few things.

minho laughed and jisung leaned his head on minho's shoulder. "it's okay, mrs. lee! take your time - we can wait!" he said, loud enough for the woman to hear.

"aish!" her voices echoed through the house before she zipped into the living room, almost like a figure skater from her socks slipping on the wood floor. "still, it's rude to keep guests waiting!" she said, frowning.

minho stood up to help his mom with the one of the two bags she was carrying, his eyes widening as he realised how heavy it actually was. "are you gonna feed us rocks for lunch, mom?! what's even in here?" he exclaimed, feeling his shoulder almost dislocate.

his mother laugh nervously. "everything!" she said in a rushed tone. "c'mon, guys! we can stuff this in the car."

"yes, ma'am!" jisung and hyunjin nodded, standing up and helping minho and his mother with the bags, hauling them outside the front door and into the trunk of their car.

my ipad has decided to autocorrect jisung's name into 5 different things: jisheng, jining, giving, jis eng, and jumping 👍🏻

also idk where i'm going with this story, i'm kinda just going off of vibes rn haha hope you still like it tho

i'm aiming for about 600-800 words per chapter, but i wonder if it's too little? lmk :)

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