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calling you...

hannie 🐿️

accept | decline

"i'm... i'm so sorry." minho looked at sooah from his phone. "i have to take this."

the woman looked up at minho as he stood, pursing her lips in concern. minho answered the call. "hello?" he said, biting his bottom lip.

as he heard the voice on the other end, minho nodded along before letting his eyes widen. "what? hyunjin is in the icu?!" he exclaimed.

sooah's eyes were wide with shock as he said that, suddenly stiffening in her seat and tensing her shoulders.

"okay.. yes i'm outside right now but i will be there as soon as possible." a pause. "yes, i'm on my way. please don't hang up."

he turned to sooah, an apologetic expression on his face. "i'm... i'm sorr-"

"no." she interrupted. "don't worry about it. go." she said with a smile. minho felt slightly guilty for lying to the woman, but he would never really see her again so what was the harm?

he nodded at her with a grateful smile, grabbing his wallet and coat before walking out of the restaurant at a fast pace.

as soon as he made his way out of the building and back into the cold air, he jogged down the street in the direction of the public library, panting as he clutched the phone to his ear.

"hey, you sound hot when you're running." a voice scratched through the phone, and minho could hear the smirk in the voice.

minho held back a smile. "shut it, jisung. hyunjin's in the icu so stick to the mood, will you?"

"what! i'm right here, y'know?" another voice cut in, telling minho that the caller was on speakerphone. "whatever, just hurry up. the food is getting cold and i'm hungry."

"yes, hyunjin-ssi." minho said with a laugh before hanging up and slowing down his jog.

he slowly approached the entrance of the library, which was not as crowded as the street before, and the snow had gotten significantly heavier, forming white powder on the shoulder pads of his coat and dusting his hair like sugar.

the cold air minho sucked in as he caught his breath was harsh and burned in his lungs, before he patted off the snow on him and opened the massive glass door, entering the library.

the library, like the restaurant, was warm and quiet, only filled with the tinkling of a classic tune and the rustle of books. minho loved that the library smelled of cinnamon and old paper, and he allowed himself to release the tension in his shoulders and make his way towards the library's cafeteria.

it was empty, save for a small table at the back where the warm light seemed dimmest. two people sat on the table, talking to each other loudly and excitedly.

minho smiled and made his way towards them. he neared the table and slid onto the bench next to a tall man, catching them both by surprise.

"hyung!" they both said, greeting minho.

"hey, brats." he looked to the man sitting opposite him, a heart-shaped smile painting his lips and blond hair pushed back. "thanks, jisung. you saved my ass." jisung only smiled brighter.

"damn, no 'thank you' for me?" the other man next to minho asked, feign offence tinting his voice. "tch, and i went to the icu for you..."

minho let out a laugh, tilting his head back. "thank you for going to the icu for me, hyunjinnie~" he teased, laying his head on the table.

minho heard jisung sigh and move his hands to play with his hair, idly brushing through it. it felt nice, and minho closed his eyes, melting into the touch.

"was she pretty?" hyunjin asked, a smirk plastered in his face.

minho hummed. "she's a model. 23." hyunjin gasped.

"damn you should've given me her number..." he sighed, flicking idly through his phone before turning it off again.

jisung stopped combing his fingers through minho's hair and pulled away. minho immediately missed the touch, but couldn't sulk for long enough before the smell of fast food hit his nose.

"let's eat? i'm getting so hungry." jisung complained, his lips forming a pout.

minho sat up and stared at the other, laughing at his cute expression. "you guys didn't have to wait for me. you could've eaten first."

hyunjin smiled and pat minho's back harshly. "then what's the point in eating together, hyung?" jisung nodded in agreement.

a fond smile grew on minho's face as he waited for jisung to distribute the messily-wrapped burgers and drinks, slapping away hyunjin's hand as he tried to reach for the shared packet of fries.

it was nice to be like this. to just spend time with his friends and live life like he wanted. with no one to please and no expectations to live up to.

it felt free.

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