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minho sighed as he stared at himself in the mirror, adjusting his blazer. does it look better buttoned up or loose?

he sighed in exasperation, slumping his shoulders as he ran a hand through his gelled hair.

yet again, his mother had set him up on another date with someone he didn't know and he had spent the entire evening mulling about it and figuring out what to wear. at some point, he considered showing up in his underwear in an attempt to scare away the girl, but he decided he'd rather keep his dignity.

there was a knock, and he turned to see his mother peaking her head around the door of his room. her expression was slightly hesitant, as if approaching a wild cat, an awkward smile on her lips. minho sighed and nodded. "come in."

"hey, dear." she said quietly, walking into the room to look at her son through the mirror. "you're looking smart. as always." she smiled sweetly.

he nodded, a silent 'thank you'. there were no words that needed to be said as the pair had a conversation with eye contact.

minho not wanting to go on this date but refusing to go against his parents' wishes, and his mother feeling guilty for making her son do something against his will but still wanting what was best for him.

he sent her an appreciative smile to help alleviate some of her guilt, and the woman's expression softened slightly. she turned to face him, reaching out to fix his collar. he turned to her and let her work, trying to bend down slightly for her ease.

she laughed wetly as she folded his collar, tucking his tie under it. "i'm sorry." she whispered. "you really don't have to go if you don't want to."

minho pursed his lips together, looking down at his socked feet as they squirmed nervously. he let out a breath, guilt pooling in his stomach.

"it's okay i'll go. we can't leave her hanging now, right?" he replied with a short smile.

his mother let out a sigh, her eyebrows dipped in concern as she let go of her son. she looked at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with minho. "i promise..." she started, biting her lip. "just try this one and i won't bother you anymore."

minho tilted his head in confusion. "bother me? what do you mean?"

she sighed, shaking her head. "you've told us countless times that you want to take your own time with things like this — romance, marriage — and we never listened to you."

minho's eyes widened as he watched his mother slowly dissolve into silent tears, biting her bottom lip to keep her sobs from escaping. she dipped her head as minho's eyes widened and he lifted his hands to her shoulders, hoping his half-hug would somehow comfort her.

"i'm sorry..." she whispered, her voice faltering.

he shook his head, wiping away his mother's tears. "it's okay... you only wanted what was best for me." he gave her a sweet smile, tilting his head. "thank you for understanding."

she smiled and wiped her eyes and nose, leaning into her son's touch. he wrapped his arms around her further, resting his head on top of hers.



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(you can't tell me 5★ is not seungmin's ERA)

look how far they've come, i'm so proud !! 🥲

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look how far they've come, i'm so proud !! 🥲

sorry for the short chapter, i've been a bit busy and i didn't sleep last night because of skz cb hehe 😅

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