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"hurry up, hyung!" jisung shouted as he ran towards a stall, minho following close behind him with a smile on his face.

he admired the younger's star-struck expression as he gazed at the display of hot cakes, his eyes wide and sparkling. "we'll have two please." minho told the seller, before turning to jisung. "didn't you have breakfast?"

"i did..." he started, trying to think of an excuse. his lips were pressed together in a contemplative pout that minho couldn't pin down as anything other than cute. "but i still have space for hotteok..." he mumbled sheepishly, looking at his feet.

minho smiled, letting out a breathy laugh as he passed the money to the seller, getting two paper bags in return. he handed one to jisung who excitedly accepted it with a smile.

"thanks, min."

the atmosphere was warm, despite being the middle of winter, surrounded by christmas-energized people talking with each other and children playing amongst the snow-clad grass.

the pair walked away from the stall to sit at one of the benches that lined the path. jisung let out a groan as he bit into his hot cake, closing his eyes as he shivered in delight. "it's so warm!" he exclaimed, turning to minho who took a much smaller, more discreet bite into the pastry.

he smiled as missing smacked his shoulder excitedly. "yeah it is. and really sweet too."

jisung nodded, eating more of the pastry. "we should tell hyunjin about these or he won't come until they stop selling them." minho hummed in agreement, finishing the last of his hot cake.

as soon as jisung finished as well, he whined. "ahh it was so warm but now my fingers are cold again!"

minho laughed at his friend, grabbing both of their empty packets and throwing them in a nearby trash can. "you're not wearing gloves?" he pointed out, but it came off more as a question.

"yeah." the younger pouted, rubbing his small hands together in an attempt at keeping them warm. the tips were slightly red, and he blew into his palms, hoping his breath would warm them up.

the older man shook his head with a smile. "you're so forgetful." jisung sent him a glare before stuffing his hand into minho's pocket.

minho startled, surprised by the sudden cold of jisung's palm against his own, sliding against each other. "you say that as if you're wearing gloves yourself." he pouted, but a smile played in his eyes. "hypocrite."

minho felt his cheeks heat up at their contact but brushed it off, sighing and standing up, almost dragging jisung with him.

"okay then, honey!" he exclaimed playfully. "let's go around the park like this." he smiled, pulling jisung up to stand with him.

the younger man stilled for a moment, surprised by the offer, but silently nodded, his pink cheeks and almost brighter than before. "yeah, let's go."

in his pocket, minho felt jisung slowly lace their fingers together. he looked down at his friend, but the younger one had turned away conveniently. minho smiled as he felt his stomach twist delightedly, a short flutter of his heart beating in his chest.

friends do this, right?

yeah, of course.

the rest of the morning was calm, a sort of comfortable silence picking up between the two of them. moments like these, minho thought, we're very rare, seeing as they always seemed to have something to talk about, jisung usually leading conversations.

but now, said man was silent beside him, humming a quiet broken tune while his red cheeks puffed out, his warm hand intertwined with minho's own.

it was a nice feeling, minho concluded. like a timeless moment that he wanted to treasure.

"hey." minho whispered, almost as if his voice would break through the silence like a bullet through glass.

jisung visibly startled, his melody convoluting into a short yelp of surprise. he turned to face his friend with a curious look.

minho laughed at his reaction. "do you want to go inside somewhere? like a cafe or mall... maybe we could head to seungmin's shop?" he asked, noticing how jisung's cheeks were getting redder by the minute and even the tip of his nose glowed a slight pink.

the younger man shuffled his feet slight. "yeah, i'm getting pretty cold." he said, pursing his lips. minho nodded and guided them to exit the park, walking out onto the snow clad street with a soft smile on his face.

just minho being a confused gay in denial ^^

i also recommend reading "kingdom of roses" by elena24aly. it is a skz royal/modern au has all of my favourite ships. the plot and timeline is literally amazing!! there is some angst and mentions of violence but it literally feels like a whole movie/series and i love it so so much! please show it the love it deserves <3

all of their other stories are also masterpieces! their brain is so big and full of amazing aus (not to forget their amazing writing skills!) my favourites are "8 sips of wine" and "kingdom of roses" :)

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