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jisung sighed as he hung up the phone, placing it face-down onto the table and slumping onto it, his head making a considerably loud bang sound against the wood.

apparently the woman minho had met on this blind date also had an escape call and so he decided to stay and talk with her for a while.

he seemed to like her. jisung thought, idly rubbing a brown coffee ring that stained the table. hyunjin had not accompanied him for this escape call since he was working and had a project to finish with his team late into the night.

jisung sighed again for the nth time that night.

it was no doubt that jisung was jealous; of course he was. minho was on a date with some girl and he was left waiting.

fine, he'd admit it. he was in love with lee minho. for 13 years.

every time minho would text him asking to help with an escape call, he felt this tug in his heart, sinking downwards like an uncomfortable lead ball in his stomach. the man he loved was going on another date with someone. and it was hit or miss how it would turn out.

and now, maybe the two would hit it off.

he didn't know why he was so upset about it. he should be happy for his best friend. it wasn't like they were dating (although there were times when it really felt like they were). still, he pouted. he wanted to be in that woman's position so badly.

everything in his chest ached. his lungs heaved and his heart squeezed painfully. his eyes throbbed from unshed tears, burning despite the warm air of the library.

he gritted his teeth, letting out a shallow breath. he hated this feeling. he hated loving someone he could never have. he wanted to cry and scream and fall away into the depths of nothingness because minho would never look at him the way he did.

trying to steady his breathing, jisung packed up his things, stuffing everything into his backpack and swinging it over his shoulder. he dumped the uneaten burger king 'meal-for-2!' bag in a nearby trash can and didn't bother to put his jacket on as he slipped out of the library and into the frosty air.

every breath he let out was cloudy and every step was like carrying 100 bricks but he still walked — to where, he wasn't sure.

eventually, he stopped in his tracks as he reached a park near the outskirts of the city. all the grass was blanketed with snow, and the playground sat abandoned in the center of the square. the swings rattled against the cold breeze, echoing through the otherwise silent night.

jisung took a seat on a nearby bench under a tree. it didn't have much snow on it, but he still shivered as he sat down, turning his head to the sky. he observed as stars stitched together to make constellations and a half-moon lit the sky peaking from behind grey clouds.

he didn't know for how long he sat there, staring at the sky but he felt his phone buzz suddenly, pulling him out of his thoughts. he unlocked it, squinting at the sudden brightness before reading the notification.

private messages: seungmo 🐶

seungmo 🐶
hey ji it's late.. where are you?

jisung turned off his phone, his fingers too cold to have any energy to type out a response. he let out a steamy breath, biting his lips to keep any tears from spilling down his face.

he felt numb, and not just from the cold. he wanted something but he couldn't have it, and it was like every millimeter of his body ached for it.

he was startled as his phone buzzed again, this time signifying a call.

calling you...

seungmo 🐶

accept | decline

he accepted it, holding his phone to his ear and looking back up.

"ji, are you still out with minho?"

he didn't reply, trying to get lost in the comforting sound of seungmin's voice.

the voice asked again. "yah, jisung. can you hear me?"

after a moment, he cleared his throat and replied. "yeah." he hated how croaky and broken he sounded, his voice dry and thick with unshed tears, clearly giving away how he felt at that moment.

"woah, what happened? are you okay?!"

a choked noise escaped him, the lump in his throat threatening to rise higher and higher. he took a few shallow breaths. he shook his head even though no one could see.


omg new pov 👀

jisung gives me the vibes of the type of person who would withdraw from people during a particularly hard time and tbf i'm kinda the same... maybe i got too detailed in the description of jisung's feelings. maybe it's from experience? lol

idk if i wanna introduce the other members too... i'm already quite far into the plot so idk how to do it  lmk!

my thoughts exactly 👆🏻

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my thoughts exactly 👆🏻

*eats him* (affectionately) 🥺

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*eats him* (affectionately) 🥺

all the mvs and making films are so heartwarming to watch! i'm so proud of my boys and all the hard work they've done — this album is groundbreaking!!

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all the mvs and making films are so heartwarming to watch! i'm so proud of my boys and all the hard work they've done — this album is groundbreaking!!

escape call | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now