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as minho made his way through the restaurant, he took in the surroundings. it was a similar atmosphere to his previous date, but seemed slightly more modern. there were less chandeliers and more white lighting rather than warm and a 360° bar sat at the center of the restaurant illuminated by dim blue and red lights, shelves stocked up with various bottles of branded liquor.

he allowed the waiter to lead him to his table and noticed how it was still empty. of course, he was early and his date had not arrived yet. he sat down and brushed some non-existent dust off his pants, his hands already sweaty from nervousness.

with a sigh, he calmed himself down. it's okay, minho. this is the last blind date you'll ever go on. just be nice, laugh a bit, and jisung will call you soon.

the thought made him feel slightly more at ease, his breath evening out and his shoulders relaxing as he leaned against the back cushion of his seat.

"hello! are you lee minho?" a voice startled him from his thoughts and he sat straight again, whipping his head to the source of the sound.

in front of him was a gorgeous woman, draped in black satin and diamonds that seemed to sparkle at any angle the light hit. she was beautiful and carried herself with the poise of a queen, elegant and magnificent.

minho gulped, suddenly surprised by the splendor she seemed to have and he smiled, standing up to shake her hand. she took it with a smile. "yes, i am. lee chaeryeong, right?" he said, sending back a smile of his own. "please, have a seat."

she nodded and sat down, clasping her hands together and placing her phone faced up on the table. she glanced at it for a moment and swallowed before smiling again.

minho smiled awkwardly, glancing at his own phone that was face up on the table as well. "so... how are you tonight?" he asked, his voice wavering. he squirmed in his seat uncomfortably.

"i'm good." she said, tilting her head. "these heels feel like hell, though. wish i was just wearing sneakers."

minho let out a laugh, cupping his fist over his mouth awkwardly and looking down. "i can only imagine." he said.

chaeryeong smiled, her eyes creasing as she nodded. "may i ask how old you are?" she asked, placing her hands on the table and eyeing her phone again, biting her lip.

"oh, i'm 29..." minho said, trailing off, his eyes also straying over to his own phone. he tapped it once, subtly, so that the time appeared on the lock screen.

7:56 PM

unconsciously, minho's eyes widened. he had not realized the time and that jisung's call was edging closer.

chaeryeong nodded, her eyebrows shooting up. "oh you're older than me... but not by a lot. just 2 years." minho nodded, acknowledging her response.

the woman copied his gesture and tapped her phone once, bringing her gaze back to the table after checking the time. minho thought it was suspiciously familiar, but brushed it off.

"so..." he started, unsure how to make conversation. "what do you do?"

chaeryeon smiled. "i'm a choreographer for an entertainment company." she said, her eyes sparkling. minho admired her passion for her job. "what about you?"

"i'm a vet since i love animals. i've actually got 3 cats at home." he said.

she gasped. "how cute! i have 2 little puppies at home as well!" she smiled.

it was nice to talk about something he was also interested in, for once, minho thought. usually his dates would just be about the woman, fawning over him or rambling about something he didn't know how to respond to.

chaeryeong had a nice personality, trying to find things they were both interested in so they could talk both ways, freely.

suddenly, both of them were startled by their phones ringing. they sent each other a bewildered look before it turned into shy smiles as they picked up their respective phones.

calling you...

hannie 🐿️

accept | decline

he picked up the phone, placing it to his ear as he heard the familiar, comforting voice of his best friend. he watched as chaeryeong mirrored his movements, listening to the person on the other end of the call.

he felt bad to leave her since she was such a nice person, but he really didn't want to be on a date anymore. minho took a deep breath as he readied his act.

"hyunjin's in the icu!?"

"yuna's in the icu!?"

oh? tea? 🤭

BLOND SEUNGMIN 🗣🗣🗣 (this is my new pfp hehehe)

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BLOND SEUNGMIN 🗣🗣🗣 (this is my new pfp hehehe)

edit: sorry for the late update... life :/

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