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the car ride was silent, something jisung was grateful for as he tried to heat himself up with the hand warmer seungmin had passed to him. he wasn't sure why he decided it was a good idea to go into the snow covered park without a jacket.

he wondered what would've happened if seungmin hadn't come to get him.

numb, jisung watched as the city whizzed by through the window, red, orange, and white lights of the street blending into streams of color as seungmin drove past them. he turned his head to the dashboard, lit by the dim blue glow seeming to peak through from inside the car itself.

12:27 AM

jisung's eyebrows shot up, surprised at how late it actually was. when he was in the park, he was so caught up in his head that it didn't feel like long before seungmin had messaged him. he sucked in a shaky breath, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back against the passenger seat shivering in his jacket.

this was tiring.

"ji, we're here." seungmin's quiet voice woke jisung up as he prodded him in the arm. he sat up, opening his eyes blearily to make out that he was still in seungmin's car, parked in the driveway of their shared bungalow.

he nodded, unbuckling his seat belt and following his friend out of the car to the front door where seungmin opened the door with ease. jisung was confused as to why he hadn't locked it when he left, until he suddenly spoke.

"we're back!" seungmin's voice, although hoarse and quiet from the cold, echoed around the house. apparently there was someone else in the house as socked footsteps pattered along the wooden floor, growing closer before a figure peeped his head around the doorway from the living room.


his hair was messed and his signature ferret pajamas were wrinkled, as if he had just gotten up from a very comfortable position on the couch.

jisung guessed that his face and eyes were splotched and red from crying because hyunjin only took one look at him before letting out a sigh and stepping forwards to engulf him in his arms.

all of the tension in his shoulders seemed to bleed out as he stepped into his friend's embrace, burying his face into hyunjin's shoulder and finally letting out a loud sob.

moments after, he heard the door closing behind him before seungmin joined their embrace, the three of them slowly sinking to the floor as jisung cried and cried.

it seemed like hyunjin and seungmin were having a movie night, of sorts, and jisung only then registered that underneath the bulky padded jacket, his roommate was also clad in pajamas. guilt wrenched at his chest when he realized that his stupid breakdown interrupted their fun time (possibly date) and turned their attention to him instead.

negative thought after negative thought bombarded his mind as he cried louder into hyunjin's shoulder, a large wet spot forming on the shirt, drowning 4 and a half smiling ferrets — but hyunjin didn't seem to mind.

both of the other boys rubbed his back comfortingly, their sickeningly warm embrace only making more tears fall down his face.

i'm sorry for torturing you, sungie! i promise it'll get better :(

this book is almost done! hopefully i can finish it by chapter 20 (i highly doubt it but wtv) so that my inner perfectionist is happy,, i'll update soon so STAY tuned for more <3

this book is almost done! hopefully i can finish it by chapter 20 (i highly doubt it but wtv) so that my inner perfectionist is happy,, i'll update soon so STAY tuned for more <3

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i can't believe pride month is over already 😔 2023 is passing so fast

i can't believe pride month is over already 😔 2023 is passing so fast

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