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"woah, what happened? are you okay?!"

a choked noise escaped him, the lump in his throat threatening to rise higher and higher. he took a few shallow breaths. he shook his head even though no one could see.


there was a few moments of silence on the other end before shuffling and muffled voices were heard. then seungmin spoke, his voice soft but firm.

"send me your location, i'll be right there."

jisung pulled his phone away from his ear, hanging up and watching as his phone slowly turned black. he then remembered to do what seungmin asked of him and sent him his location.

he felt terrible for burdening his roommate like this, but in that moment he wanted nothing more than to be comforted, and seungmin's embrace always had the warmth of a thousand suns.

not 5 minutes later he heard the sound of an engine pulling up behind him. he turned around from where he was sat on the bench to see the familiar sleek grey of seungmin's car, the warm headlights, bright and blinding against the snow covered road.

without turning off the engine, a figure opened the door and headed towards jisung, their feet making little tap tap sounds as they skittered through the cold air. jisung stood up too, to greet them.

as soon as seungmin's face was close enough to be decipherable, jisung's eyes flicked over his expression. his eyebrows were pulled together and his lips were twisted into a frown. "ji!" he said, his voice almost a whisper, hoarse from the cold.

"seungmin..." jisung started, quietly, still trying to get out of his daze. "your voice... you'll get sick."

seungmin scoffed. "says the one without the jacket. where is it?" he asked, wrapping his mittened hands around jisung's arms. the sudden warmth from the other made jisung flinch, shaking as he realized how truly cold it was. he handed seungmin the jacket he forgot to put on earlier.

without hesitating, seungmin threw the jacket over jisung's shoulders, zipping it up even though his arms weren't through the sleeves yet.

"shit, you're freezing..." he muttered, his voice laced with worry as he brushed some stray snow out of jisung's hair, letting his hand linger on his head for a few more moments. their eyes locked as he tried to search jisung's eyes for something — he wasn't sure what — but soon he let out a breath, grabbing his hand. "let's go."

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i can't stop staring at this picture, he's so baby 🥹

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i can't stop staring at this picture, he's so baby 🥹

i can't stop staring at this picture, he's so baby 🥹

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i apologize for the short update... it was my birthday recently (i'm finally legal!) so i haven't had much time or energy to write chapters. if you follow me, you may have seen on my conversations how much i clickbait everyone lmao

i'm really sorry, please don't be mad in the comments, but i'll try to update as soon as i can!

escape call | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now