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jisung skipped excitedly as the pair walked out of the flower shop, bidding goodbye to seungmin and heading off to enjoy the rest of their day together.

minho chuckled as he watched the boy, puffing out steam in every exhale and pink cheeks rounding with the smile. in his hand was a small bouquet of daisies, elegant and white amongst each other and held tightly as if it were precious to him.

it was worth it, minho thought. anything is worth it to see jisung happy like this.

as they turned a corner to a different street, jisung gasped and pointed at something. minho followed his finger to see a bakery.

he sent a deadpan look to jisung. "we literally just had hotteok. you're still hungry?" he asked, an amused smile forming on his face.

jisung looked down shyly, playing with his fingers, a nervous smile on his face. he looked up to minho and nodded, his innocent eyes big and pleading.

gosh, how could he say no to that look?

the younger man looked too cute to resist and minho felt his heart skip a beat (or maybe two) as he shook his head and relented, smiling fondly at jisung's excited reaction. "yay!" he exclaimed, grabbing minho's arm and dragging him to the glass doors of the bakery.

despite the lively holiday atmosphere, the cafe itself was quite small and not as crowded as the pair expected it to be. it made jisung smile widely and look at minho, a hopeful look on his face. minho nodded and smiled back, walking faster to catch up with his friend as they entered the shop together.

it was warm inside, smelling strongly of vanilla, cinnamon, and ginger spice — the telltale signs of a christmas-themed sale — and jisung immediately let go of the older's arm to stare intently at the cheesecakes and pastries that were on display in a large glass case.

the woman behind the counter smiled at the two of them. "hello, there! what may i get you two today?" she asked sweetly, noticing with an amused smile how jisung stared down at the cakes like a predator.

minho laughed and poked jisung's side to get his attention. the latter yelped before focusing and leaning towards minho, suddenly aware of the way he was acting and becoming shy. he pressed against his friend's side, taking in his warmth and feeling heat crawl up his cheeks as minho's hand instinctively shifted to grab his waist.

"one raspberry cheesecake and one chocolate fudge cake please." minho said in an equally sweet tone. "that's all, right?" he turned to jisung and he only nodded slowly.

jisung felt his heart flutter as minho recited the order that he liked so much. minho knew him like the back of his hand and the thought had jisung giddy with excitement and yet shy of being perceived so well.

the cashier typed down their orders and made quick work of plating them. "please have a seat." she said. "we'll bring you your orders right away."

minho nodded and thanked her, paying the required amount before dragging jisung to an empty booth near the back of the cafe.

as they sat down, opposite each other, jisung almost collapsed onto the cushioned chair, stretching his arms up with his hands balled into little fists. minho observed him, watching as he blinked eyes repeatedly before sitting straight again and leaning forwards on the table into minho's space.

not that he minded — jisung just made him nervous, is all (the reason? he was yet to determine himself).

they shared eye contact for a moment, almost lost in the pools of the other's irises. everything about jisung was warm, soft. even his eyes were gentle.

it was so nice to be with jisung. he hoped that those feeling were conveyed in his eyes and the way he stared at the man. he hoped that the other knew how much minho appreciated him as his best friend.

he wondered what jisung was thinking right now.

minho snapped out of his daze as jisung smiled, red-faced and shy, looking away to stare at the table. it confused him.

"are you still cold, sungie?" he asked, the nickname slipping out as per habit. jisung shook his head. minho hummed, not fully convinced, but letting it slide this time.

soon a waitress came to their booth with a tray of their cakes, placing them onto the table. "here are your orders, gentlemen." she smiled at them.

"thank you." jisung said, rubbing his hands together in excitement, struggling to fight a smile on his face.

the waitress smiled before speaking again. "you guys are a sweet couple. i hope you have a lovely holiday."

they are so gay even outsiders think they're dating omfg 🤦🏻‍♀️

sorry for ending this so abruptly!!! i promise the plot is going somewhere-

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