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it wasn't the first time in their lives that they had been mistaken as a couple because of how touchy and affectionate they were. they had even laughed it off most of the time, playing along to get a good joke in.

but for some reason it felt different this time — more serious.

jisung mumbled something incoherent, hiding his face behind his hands. minho's cheeks heated up at the words and he focused on a spot on the table, waiting as the waitress placed their forks down and left with a short "enjoy!"

out of the corner of his vision, he watched as jisung's shoulders relaxed a bit before he picked up his fork and stabbed the cheesecake, picking up a piece and putting into his mouth. minho looked up to focus on the other man, observing how his cheeks puffed up with cake and his eyes glimmered at the familiar taste.

he turned to look outside the window and minho stared at his side profile. his eyes traced the curves of jisung's face, blinking slowly as jisung chewed and swallowed. minho gulped too, resisting the urge to lick his dry lips.

"the snow is gorgeous today." jisung suddenly said, startling minho from his trance. he turned back and they locked eyes, catching minho by surprise.

"uhh..." minho stuttered, unsure how to react at being caught staring. "yeah." he cleared his throat and looked down, picking up his fork and taking a bite from his cake. he was sure that his cheeks and ears were a vibrant red, and he could only hope that his long bangs somehow covered them up.

when he heard a short chuckle from jisung he figured that, no, his blush was obvious.

after putting his fork down and cooling down his face (as much as he could) he looked back at jisung. the man was looking down, specifically at minho's hands that rested on the tabletop. he tilted his head as he tried to figure out the reason behind his friend's intense stare.

jisung let out a short breath through pouted lips, reaching out and gently grazing his hand over minho's fingers. the touch was searing hot, sending a tingle down minho's arm and spine, goosebumps rising all over his skin.

then the slight touch turned into a grip as jisung grasped minho's palm, holding it in his like a delicate flower.

minho bit his lips at how weird it felt to hold jisung's hand like this, silent and gentle and intimate. he steeled himself, sucking in a shallow breath and looking up to watch jisung's expression.

the younger man chuckled softly, his eyes glazed over as if he were lost in thought. "it's funny." he said, his thumb idly brushing over minho's palm in comforting circles. "you're taller than me — bigger than me in every aspect — and yet your hand is so small. it fits in mine perfectly."

if not for jisung's serious and genuine tone, minho would've thought he was teasing him.

he shrugged, looking back at their hands. sure his fingers were thicker, his wrist and palm broader than jisung's, but his entire hand was small and fit in jisung's snug.

"it's like a kitten's paw." he said with a giggle, his cheeks darkening in pink. minho held back a shy smile.

for the rest of their time in the cafe, minho didn't pull his hand away from jisung's. he didn't know why, but it felt nice. he also didn't know why he was overthinking it so much. it was always normal for them to show such affection with each other — even with hyunjin.

minho shook his head. these thoughts were exhausting him.

for their hand thing i was inspired by this 👇🏻 i think it's super cute 🥺❣

for their hand thing i was inspired by this 👇🏻 i think it's super cute 🥺❣

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okay i promise the next chapter has more relevant plot-

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