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"hey, mom." minho murmured as he walked into the kitchen.

the woman, who was fussing over the stove, turned at the voice, a smile breaking across her face as she turned to give her son a hug. "good morning."

he melted into the embrace, his eyelids still tugging downwards from sleep. "what are you making?" he asked, catching the smell of delicious breakfast wafting through the kitchen.

"kimchijeon and rice." she said, letting go of the hug and walking back to hover over the stove. minho followed, peering over her shoulder at the red pancakes that sizzled in the pan.

minho smiled tiredly, his stomach giving a delighted rumble. "hmm, do we have any plans today? since it's an extended weekend..."

minho's mother turned suddenly, surprised by his words. "oh my gosh, i completely forgot about that!" she smiled, a bit disappointed. "well, we don't have any plans because i didn't remember to make any. i think your father had an urgent meeting, though."

"ah i see..." he said, nodding his head. "well, do you want to do something?" he asked, leaning back against the counter.

the woman thought about it, flipping a pancake. "to be honest, i've been really busy this whole week so i think i might rest today." she smiled at him, before fishing the pancake out of the pan and placing it onto a plate.

she handed it to him and he smiled, getting a knife and chopsticks from the drawer. "oh okay, then rest." he said. "jisung was asking if we could hang out, so i thought i would ask you if we have any family plans before i confirmed."

minho's mother seemed to smile even wider. "of course! i'm so glad you are still talking with your friends. you should go!"

minho smiled at her and nodded, pulling out his phone from his pocket and opening his contacts.

private messages: hannie 🐿️

my mom said i can come

hannie 🐿️
now you sound like the 5 year old lmao
where do you wanna go?

not sure... we could go to the park if you wanted?

hannie 🐿️
oooo wanna go to the lovey dovey park with me? 😏

yes i do, dear 😍💗🥰💘

hannie 🐿️
the amount of emojis is worrying


hannie 🐿️
it's a date then 😉

i'll meet you there in half an hour

hannie 🐿️ liked a message

minho smiled as closed his phone and scarfed down the rest of his breakfast, thanking his mother with a kiss on the cheek before going back to his room to get ready to go out.

something about meeting jisung on a holiday like this in the middle of winter was nice. his heart fluttered at the thought and he caught himself smiling in the mirror one too many times. strange.

as soon as he got ready, he ran down the stairs, giving a short "i'm going!" to his mother before closing the front door behind him and walking out to the street.

the snow from last night had stopped, but had blanketed a coat of pure white onto the pavement. minho pulled his scarf tighter around his neck and let out a shaky exhale, his breath forming a cloud in his face from the cold temperature.

he trudged along, listening to the snow crunch under his feet and the whistle of the wind that ran down the street, the sounds of children playing not too distantly.

as soon as the park came into view, minho smiled as he observed a familiar figure waiting at the gate.

jisung was clad in one of his big coats, so puffy that his arms couldn't go all the way down, and a thick scarf was wrapped around his neck, the only skin that was exposed being his face and hands.

there was the sugar-like dust of snow in his blond hair and the adorable redness of his cheeks from the cold.

"jisung." minho called as soon as he was close enough. the other turned at the sound of his name before his face brightened, jumping a little and walking towards minho.

he smiled his signature heart-shaped smile. "hey, min." he took in a small inhale, shaking his head as cold air entered his lungs.

minho preened at the nickname. jisung didn't call him by it often, usually only when they were alone, but minho loved it - how effortlessly it flowed from his lips. it felt personal, as if only one person could get that close to him. he smiled back at his friend, lifting his hand to brush the snow out of his hair.

jisung scrunched his nose before reeling away, jumping up and down impatiently. "c'mon, let's go!" he whined. "i heard they are selling hotcakes!"

minho felt his mouth water at the thought. "really? let's go then!" he said with an excited smile and allowed jisung to lead the way into the park where many other people were walking.

finally, their first date-but-they-don't-know-it-yet 😌 and omg we are almost at 200 reads!! thank you all <3

also this made me laugh so hard:

i still have my exams going on for the first half of this month so i'm sorry if there are some mistakes or if i don't update regularly

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i still have my exams going on for the first half of this month so i'm sorry if there are some mistakes or if i don't update regularly.. i'll try my best with the free time i have ! 😅

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