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flashback continued

"do you want me to drop you off at work? i think you're running late and calling a cab would take too long..." minho's mother offered to her husband, as she opened the door of the driver's set.

the man rubbed his neck awkwardly with a laugh. "yeah, i may have woken up a bit late today. do you mind?"

the woman smiled before sitting in the driver's seat and fastening her seatbelt. "of course not, dear." she turned around to the three boys who were sat at the back, waffling on about something or the other. "boys, we will take a slight detour to drop off mr. lee, okay?"

"yep." they half-acknowledged, before diving back into the conversation with each other. the woman smiled before turning to her husband in the passenger's seat.

the ride to minho's father's office wasn't a long one - it only took about 10 minutes - and he was saying goodbye to them as he stepped out of the car, waving at the closed window. "have a good day at work, dear!" minho's mother said and they watched the retreating figure acknowledge the comment with a backwards wave.

"oh my god, minho." jisung said, his mouth hanging open. "your dad is so cool."

minho's face twisted, his lips turning downwards into a confused frown. "huh?"

jisung laughed, smacking the boy on the shoulder. "he waved backwards like those protagonists do in romantic dramas! it looked super cool!" he exclaimed.

"he really is like a drama protagonist..." minho's mother said dreamily, her hands over her chest and her gaze fixed longingly at the man walking through the revolving door of the building.

"ew." minho said with a short laugh.

hyunjin smiled. "i think it's nice that your mom likes your dad so much." he said, leaning a hand against the driver's seat in front of him. "my parents just acknowledge each other's presence in the morning and then never see each other until the next day. they are so awkward around each other, it's a bit funny."

minho's mother gave hyunjin a smile through the side-view mirror before starting the car. "maybe they will get through it at their own pace." she said and hyunjin nodded.

"let's not talk about them when today is a good day." he said, smacking minho's thighs aggressively. "let's go!"

minho let out an obscene scream "gah! why is everyone attacking my legs today!?"

jisung's lips curled into a vicious smirk, and minho knew what was coming before the other had even said anything. "because they look super good in those jeans-"

he was cut off by a smack across his head. "you're so gross." minho said, covering his face in embarrassment. he turned away to hide the red that spread across his cheeks.

"aish, at least flirt when i'm not here!" minho's mother said, grimacing in second-hand embarrassment. jisung froze at the woman's comment, a similar blush darkening his face.

hyunjin let out a loud laugh and fell back against his seat, gasping for air.

the atmosphere was light and warm, comforting, like the day would always stay young and the beautiful memories would burn fresh at the forefronts of their minds.

it was nearing midday when the four of them arrived at the amusement. it wasn't nearly as crowded as they had expected, seeing as it was fairly new and still not famous enough to attract enough visitors.

minho smiled. this was an advantage - the lines would be shorter, and the snacks would be cheaper.

"would you guys like to eat something first?" minho's mother asked as they stepped out of the car and into the sun. jisung was about to decline when his stomach growled loudly, expressing how hungry he actually was. minho and hyunjin laughed, making fun of the boy and his endless need for food.

minho's mother only smiled in fondness before opening the trunk of the car and brought out the bag full of food. "eat up," she said as she passed around boxes of sandwiches. "and fast so we can spend as much time as we can!"

the boys all agreed and thanked her before stuffing their faces with the sandwiches, the four of them sitting under in the trunk of the car under the shade of the door.

i hate writing about toxic parents so here is minho's parents being literally the sweetest human beings on the planet :)

my exams start tomorrow and i am writing this chapter instead of studying, wish me luck 😃 i apologize if my updates get irregular :/

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