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flashback continued

as soon as they had all finished eating, hyunjin passed around a bottle of sunscreen, making sure nobody would be burnt the next day. "thank you, baby~" jisung teased with a smirk as he accepted a drop of the cream and rubbed it onto his face.

as they walked into the park, they took in the plethora of rides and activities, their jaws dropping in awe at the sheer number. "let's go on as many as we can!" hyunjin exclaimed, tugging at minho's sleeve.

"okay, okay." he replied with a smile, gesturing for them to follow him to the ticket booth.

five rollercoasters and one haunted house later, the three boys sat exhausted on a bench under the shade, accompanied by minho's mother who had a pitiful expression on her face.

"maybe you guys went too hard at the start..." she said, laughing sympathetically. the three friends all groaned simultaneously, leaning on each other with their eyes half-open.

jisung clutched his stomach. "it's a wonder how the sandwiches are still staying in me." he whispered, cringing. minho would've laughed if not for the dizziness that overcame him and the black spots on his vision.

minho's mother smiled. "well, on the bright side, i have lovely film of you guys on the rides!" she held up the camcorder that was securely velcroed around her hand, the light still red showing that a video was still being recorded.

 "i have a feeling you're just going to use this as future blackmail, mom." minho said, trying to snatch the camera away but failing miserably.

"how about you guys try something more relaxed?" the woman suggested, patting hyunjin's shoulder as he was the only one who wasn't absolutely plastered with exhaustion. "maybe the ferris wheel?"

hyunjin nodded slowly, and the other two boys vaguely acknowledged the comment, not bothering to process the sentence.

"let's go, then!" she got up and dragged hyunjin by his arm. he just obliged and followed along, whilst minho and jisung stumbled over each other to trail after them.

minho groaned. "your son is here!" he exclaimed, and his mother laughed.

as they walked to the line of the ferris wheel, jisung and minho looked less like drunkards and more like normal human beings, standing beside hyunjin and the woman, waiting for their turn.

"wait!" minho exclaimed as they finally reached the front and were ushered into the ferris cart.

jisung gasped, realisation hitting him at the same time. "oh fuck."

they were both slightly scared of heights.

that was an understatement. they were horribly terrified of them.

minho's mother only laughed. "c'mon you guys! it's not too high... and you don't have to look down, just look outside the window."

jisung immediately clung to minho's arm as the ride started, burying his face in his shoulder as they sat down, shaking slightly. "mom..." minho said, biting his lip.

the woman paid them no mind. "look, hyunjinnie! you can start to see the whole city from here!"

"oh my!" he exclaimed with a smile, raising his camera that hung at his neck and snapping a picture of the skyline. "it's really beautiful."

jisung groaned. "i wanna see, but i'm too scared..." he mumbled meekly, peeking his eye out from minho's sleeve.

minho mustered up the courage to look away from the floor, peeking at the window and to the horizon of the city. "woah!" he exclaimed.

immediately, he poked jisung repeatedly, trying to get his friend to look at the sight before them.

"look, jisung!" he said, a small smile growing on his face. "it really is beautiful!"

the boy finally looked up, straightening his back as he took in the sight. his jaw went slack. 

the sky was the purest blue, and fluffy clouds were sprinkled around. the sun shone like a golden ball in the west of the sky and birds flew by, calling to each other. a regular summer's evening, but beautiful nonetheless.

the four of them collectively took a breath, taking in the cooler air and feeling the wind sieve through the ferris cart, the smell of the distant ocean filling their scent.

as soon as the ride stopped and the cart touched the ground, minho and jisung sprinted out of it, collapsing onto the ground and feeling it as if they had just landed on earth after several years in space.

"oh, lovely ground. lovely lovely ground~" jisung sang weakly, on his hands and knees, feeling the ground.

hyunjin grimaced at his friends' behaviour. "ew, get up. the ground is so dirty."

they complied, but not before stumbling and laughing deliriously. "as beautiful as it was, i am not doing that again." minho said, sending a pointed look at his mother.

she laughed and raised her hands in surrender.

she then checked her watch. "oh, it's getting late and i have to prepare dinner..." she mumbled, looking at the boys who were now laughing at each other at something jisung said. "is there any last things you guys want to do before we leave?" she asked.

"hmm..." minho tapped his chin in thought.

"cotton candy!" jisung and hyunjin exclaimed at the same time, their eyes fixed on a stall nearby that was selling the large cloud-like sweet.

the woman laughed. "alright, then."

and there they were, standing in front of the ferris wheel whilst sharing a large cotton candy. the three of then held up V signs, smiling brightly and youthfully into the polaroid camera that minho's mother held up.

"1, 2, cheese!" she exclaimed, before snapping a photo, a small film coming out of the camera after a few seconds. "alright, let's go back!"

the boys smiled and laughed and fought over the candy, bumping into each other and not letting a single thing worry them.

(not proofread) okay the flashback is finally over sorry for taking so long haha

also, this as minsung 😳‼

they fit the enemies to lovers trope so fucking well 어머

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they fit the enemies to lovers trope so fucking well 어머

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