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April 18, 1984

When I got home I did my homework and then headed downstairs to the little studio where I knew my dad was. The sound of his 1965 Fender Stratocaster filled the air. I stood in the doorway watching him play. It was the first guitar he bought himself after spending two summers saving up the money to buy one. He always said it was his lucky guitar.

It was the guitar that he was playing when he met my mom. It was the guitar that he played at The Hideout when he was discovered. And it was the guitar he played during every concert. It still had the I love you my mom wrote and a heart with their initials inside it. And beside that was my footprint and handprint from when I was born.

The first thing he did when he got his first check was have the guitar glazed with a clear paint or whatever it was where the foot and handprints and my moms hand handwriting were so it would last forever. When he looked up and saw me he stopped playing and put the guitar down. "Hey kid, how was your day?" I shrugged, walking over and sitting on the couch. "I was asked to tutor someone who needs help passing math to graduate."

"And did you say yes?" He asked. I nodded my head, "for some stupid reason I did. So I will be home late tomorrow because I'm meeting him after school in the library." He raised his eyebrow, "so it's a boy you're going to be tutoring?" I rolled my eyes, "don't worry, dad, nothing is going to happen." I stood up and started for the stairs to go back up to the kitchen.

"What are we doing for dinner?" I asked starting to ascend the steps. "Um...just order something. Do we need to have talk?" I laughed, shaking my head. "Oh, my god, no!" Once in the kitchen I went to the drawer with all the take out menus.

"Look, dad, nothing is going to happen. I grew up on the road with you touring and all that. So that's educational enough. It taught me that drugs, alcohol and sex are bad. Especially when mixed together. Besides, I'm a virgin so you can calm down."

"Okay! It's good to know that but boys can be...pushy and at this age very consistent. Trust me I know. How do you think your mom ended up pregnant with you?" I held my hand up to stop him. "I don't need or want to know how I was conceived. But I can assure you I won't be getting pregnant any time soon. Especially not to Eddie Munson."

"Munson?" I hummed as I leafed through the take out menus. "I went to school with two Munson's. Wonder if he's the son of one of them," he said. I shrugged, "Chinese good?" I asked, and he nodded. "Whatever you, sweetheart." I picked up the phone and called in the order. "261 Turner Lane. Thank you." I hung up and walked into the living room where dad was picking out a movie.

After we finished dinner and watched a couple movies I headed upstairs to my room, showered and got ready for bed. There was a knock on my door and I looked up from my book, "come in!" The door opened and dad walked in. "Just wanted to say goodnight," he said, coming over and kissing my forehead. "Don't stay up too late reading. I love you." I nodded in understanding, "love you too." Then he left, closing the door behind him.

April 19, 1984

After school let out I went to the library and sat at a table in the very back where it would be quiet and out of sight from anything distracting. I pulled my notes and math book out along with the folder Ms. Adler had given me. After setting everything up I sat back and waited. Five minutes went by and Eddie still hadn't shown up. I opened my notebook and started drawing random things.

Five minutes turned into ten and ten turned into twenty. I sighed and started to pack my stuff up. This was a mistake. I was stupid to offer my kindness and help someone who clearly doesn't want help. "Blood Red Vipers." I looked up to see Eddie Munson standing in front of me on the other side of the table. "Amazing band. One of my favorites."

"You're late," I said. He smirked and sat down. "Yeah, I had to take care of," he said and winked. I wrinkled my nose up in disgust and scoffed. "I don't need to know what you were doing or why. Just be on fucking time." He held up his hands in surrender. "Do you even know any songs that they sing?"

I took a deep breath and closed my math book. "So, what...because I'm a girl I can't listen to The Blood Red Vipers or AC/DC, Queen, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Dio, Judas Priest, Slayer, Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, ZZ Top...please stop when I there is a band I'm allowed to listen to." His mouth was hanging open and he didn't didn't say anything for a couple seconds.

"Damn. Okay, sorry, it's just some people wear shirts with bands on them and know nothing about the band or never even listen to the band. But you...fuck! You fucking surprised me by rattling off all those bands." I just gave him a deadpan look. "Look, I don't want to be here when the cheerleaders get out of practice so how about we just make up a schedule today and start studying on a day we're both free again." Of course I'm free everyday but he doesn't need to know that.

"I'm free any day but Fridays. Hellfire meets on Fridays," he said. "Okay, what about weekends?" I asked. "As long as we're done before eight. I play at the Hideout on Saturdays and Sunday I spend time with my uncle since he's off work. If I have any other plans during the week I'll let you know. Can't keep the girls waiting, right?" I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Right. So how about since tomorrow is Friday we meet on Saturday at your place say.... One?"

He shook his head, "one is fine but not my place. How about your place?" He said. Absolutely not. "Umm...what about the diner?" I asked. He shrugged "you gonna buy me lunch?" He smirked, and leaned over the table. "Just don't be fucking late." I packed my stuff up and walked out of the library. When I was unlocking my car I saw Eddie coming out with one of the cheerleaders and going to his van.

I got in my car and had no choice but to drive past them to get out of the parking lot. And surprise surprise they were sucking each other's faces. She'd wake up in the morning to regret her decision and would never admit that she let him touch her. When I got home I walked in and straight to the kitchen for something to eat. "How did the tutoring do?" I turned around from the fridge to see dad leaning on the counter.

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