247 14 0

FALL 1989


It's been four years since Eddie and the band got discovered at the Hideout. My dad made sure he was by their side at my request so they didn't get screwed over, and everything went smoothly. They recorded a song and put it out into the world. People loved it, and Corroded Coffin blew up overnight. They went on to record their first album, The Upside Down, and sold over a million copies in less than a week.

Now, they were getting ready to go on their first tour. When Eddie got his first paycheck, the first thing he did was make sure his uncle Wayne was taken care of. He bought him a new trailer and a truck and made sure he had money in his bank account. Then he and I moved out to Los Angeles. We stayed in my old house at least for now until we could get our own place. Things were great. Eddie always wanted me by his side for everything. I was used to this kind of life he and the guys weren't.

But eventually, they did get used to it and loved it. They loved the attention they got from people. Well, they mostly loved all the attention from the girls they got. With Eddie being the lead singer, he was the most popular. Girls threw themselves at him. There have been multiple occasions where some girl came up to him, ignoring I was even under his arm or on his lap, and asked him out or gave him their numbers.

I always had to remind myself that I'm the one that he looked for in a crowd. I'm the one he went home with. I'm the one who has his heart. Not all these groupies who can't keep their eyes and something their paws off of him. At first, Eddie always backed away or cut them off before they could do or say anything. Now he pretty much encourages it, and although I understand how this life works, I could feel jealousy bubble up inside of me.

It was like Stacy all over again. I still get those thoughts of her showing up out of nowhere one day, and Eddie deciding he would rather be with her. I get thoughts that he's going to get sick of me and pick one of these desperate groupies. There were some nights when the guys would pick a girl each from the audience and have them brought backstage. Sometimes, they would end up taking them back to the hotel we were staying at or to a club.

Eddie was the only one to not pick a girl from the audience because he had me. That changed a month ago when the guys convinced him to let a group of girls who were friends come backstage and go to a club. After the concert was over and I said goodbye to Eddie, telling him I would see him later. I hadn’t been feeling good, so I wanted to go back to the hotel and take something and try to get some sleep. He said he wouldn't be out too long, but he didn't return back to the hotel until five in the morning. I tried to sleep but couldn't, not when he wasn't in bed with me.

Eddie and I have had a good relationship. We didn't fight too often, and we respected each other. There was always communication between us, so if one of us was mad or upset, we would just talk about it and find a solution. The night my dad walked into my room and we ended up walking out of the house and getting in Eddie's van. When I told Eddie to just drive, we ended up going to the clearing he took me to after prom. I lost my virginity that night under the stars.

We can hardly keep our hands off each other now. Eddie always needs to touch me when I'm close to him. I stand on the side of the stage where he can see me every night he has a concert. After the concert is over, he's always seeking me out, wrapping me in his arms and kissing me before he even gives anyone else his attention.

So when he came stumbling into the room at five in the morning completely wasted and crashed on the bed without even acknowledging my presence, I was confused and a little concerned, but I let it go. It's become more frequent since then. I was tired of the constant partying. Tonight was the last night in New York, and in the morning, we would be moving onto Philadelphia for three days before going to Ohio m. Tonight, I was going to tell Eddie I wanted to spend a night alone together before getting on the bus with the guys the next morning for a few hours.

They had another sold-out concert tonight. The stadium was packed with fans screaming, crying, and singing along with them. They were finishing up their last song, and then Eddie would thank the fans and throw his bandanna into the crowd. The one he always wore in high school was safely tucked away in a safe at home.

He had bought another one for his first concert and on a whim threw it into a crowd of fans when they first blew up who stood outside our hotel. Now, every night after a concert, he takes the one he's wearing and throws it into the crowd of fans. They went feral for it. But he wasn't the only one throwing things. Girls would throw their panties and bras on stage at his feet. He always just kicks them out of the way and looks over at me, smiling.

After he said thank you and good night, he threw the bandanna into the crowd and rushed off stage towards me. His arms wrapped around my waist, picked me up off my feet, and spinning me around. When he put me back down, his lips found mine in a short but sweet kiss. "I love you so fucking much." I hummed and kissed him one more time. "I love you too."

The crowd was chanting his name demanding an encore. "You better go and give them what they want before they come find you themselves." He chuckled and laced his fingers with mine. "We were thinking of going to that new club tonight and celebrating before we move on," he said. I sighed and looked down. "I–um–I was thinking maybe me and you could go back to our room and spend some much needed time alone," I said, dancing my fingers up his chest and looking up at him through my lashes.

A huge grin took over his face and he pulled me tight against him. I could feel him getting hard through his black jeans he had on. "Only if you're a good girl and come out here with me for the encore." He said, hands tangled in my hair so he could pull my head back to look up at him more. "Eddie, you know…" I yelped when his other hand came down on my ass. "Let me rephrase that. You're going to be a good girl and come out on stage with me while I do my encore and then I'm taking you back to our room and fucking you until you can't fucking remember your own damn name."


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