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I didn't go to the concert the next night or any of the interviews Eddie had through the day. He didn't come stumbling into the room until five in the morning when he needed to be ready at eight for an interview. When he came into the room, he crashed on the bed, and when he tried to pull me into him, I scooted away. While he was in his interviews hungover, I was out shopping. A little retail therapy always helped, except for this time.

Jay followed me, holding my bags as we walked along the shops in Miami. Was it about four hours away? Sure. But I needed to be away from all of Eddie's fans who had migrated to Daytona Beach for the concert or to just get the chance to see him put on the street. It was easier for me to hide when I wasn't with Eddie or my Dad. Jay and I even went to the airport to pick Anna up and then went out to dinner. I told Anna everything that had happened on the way back to the hotel. By that time, Eddie was on stage. When we got back, there was a note on the nightstand from Eddie.


I don't know where you are, but I hope you make it to the concert tonight. I'm sorry for what I said last night. I don't want anyone else but you. You've been by myself since day one. You're the reason I made it as far as I did. I was a fucking dick, I'm sorry. I love you so damn much and I promise I'll change. The drink and partying will stop, I swear, just please be there tonight.

I love you
Eddie xoxo

I didn't go to the concert, I waited for it to be over then went to meet him backstage. In no way was I going to forgive him so easily, we would need to talk about it, and he would need to start proving himself. I had a speech all worked out in my head. Security let me backstage just as Eddie finished his encore for the night. The guys were right behind him talking about the girls they wanted to bring backstage. "Hey, Eddie, what do you say? Party tonight all the way into the morning? Start in the green room and move to the club then back to the hotel."

Eddie didn't seem to be listening to them until Gareth nudged him. Eddie looked over at him and Gareth pointed over to where I was standing. Eddie looked up and I could see the tension leaving his shoulders. His big brown eyes looked at me in a way I haven't seen in quite a while. Full of adoration and love. He rushed over to me, wrapping me in his arms, and tried to kiss me but I turned my head so he kissed my cheek. "That's fair. I'm glad you came. I am so fucking sorry, sweetheart."

"I do not want to talk about this here and believe me, we have a lot to fucking talk about, Edward Munson." He flinched at me using his full name but nodded his head. "I know we do. I'm just glad you're here. I was worried you went home when I got back from my last interview and you were gone. But then I saw your bags were still there. Where'd you go?" Before I could say anything Jeff came over and clapped Eddie on the shoulder. "You comin', man? Oh, hey, yn." I didn't greet him, just stared at Eddie.

I prepared myself for Eddie to tell him he would be there in a minute and go out to do what he always does. I pulled away from him, putting distance between us, but he grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together. "Nah, man, not tonight. I have a lot to make up for and make things right with my girl. You guys go ahead and have fun." Jeff nodded in understanding and joined the rest of the band and the girls they brought backstage. Eddie looked at me with a small smile. I pulled my hand out of his and walked away.

The security guard at the back entrance nodded at us and opened the door. Jay was right there waiting to take me to the car. Of course fans gravitated to the back of the building hoping to meet Eddie and the band. Lights started flashing and I blocked my eyes with my hand. Jay was right beside me, hiding me as best he could from the crowd.

"Bitch! You don't deserve him!" Came from somewhere in that crowd of fans and paparazzi. "Hey! I will not tolerate anyone being nasty to my girlfriend!" I turned around to look at Eddie, who had come to a dead stop. "I wouldn't have ever gotten this far if it wasn't for her or her dad, Jax Haxley! If you don't like her then don't consider yourself one of my fans!" He walked forward, past me and Jay, and opened the car door. I got into the backseat and Eddie followed.

After Jay shut the door he went around to the driver side and got us out of there. While we were driving away I saw an unwanted familiar face in the crowd. A face I haven't seen in years. Now I knew who the voice belonged to. Eddie was famous now and she wanted to try and come swooping in and get between us. "Did you see her?" I asked. Eddie looked over at me in confusion. "See who, baby?" I shook my head, "No one. Never mind."

"Want to get something to eat?" I shook my head again, "No. Me, Jay, and Anna went to dinner," I said. "Oh, Anna's here? Is that where you went today?" He asked. I sighed and took a deep breath. "No, Eddie, I went to Miami and went shopping then we picked Anna up and went to dinner. When we got back to the hotel and I read your note, I debated whether or not to even show up. You really didn't see her?"

I was questioning a lot right now. What if she's the real reason he's always out partying and not coming back until the wee hours of the morning. I can't say I'm surprised that she's shown up. I knew she would eventually. "Sweetheart, who are you talking about?" He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Who did you see?" He asked. "Stacy, Eddie. I'm talking about Stacy."

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