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April 18, 1984

"Hey there, little viper." I looked up to see my dad walking into the kitchen. His long curly hair is a tangled mess, and he had dark circles under his eyes from being up late. "I'm not little anymore, dad." He kissed the top of my head and went right for the coffee. "You'll always be my little viper no matter how old you get," he said, turning around and leaving back on the counter, coffee mug in his hand.

"You were up late," I said, taking a bite of my cereal. He hummed, nodding his head and taking a sip from his mug. "Yeah, I've been working on some new songs." My dad probably had the coolest job a parent could have, he was a rockstar. I mean sure it was a little rough with also being out on the road on tour all the time.

I didn't go to a regular school, inst. Instead, homeschooled. So that means I never had friends or a boyfriend. Hell, I've never been kissed before. But it was great too because I've gotten to travel the world. There was a rough patch when I was really little, when y mom passed away. My dad started drinking and doing drugs and having sex with any women who threw themselves at him. Leaving me with a nanny to go out and party every night after a sold osold-outrt.

But he's always been a great dad. Always made sure I had what I needed and never gave me what I wanted. After his last world tour he de, ided to take a break from touring not only because he was tired but he wa ted me to have a normal high school experience. So we moved to a town in the middle of fucking nowhere. Hawkins Indiana, my dad's hometown, where he was discovered almost eighteen years ago.

He and my mom had me at a young age. They were fresh out of high school. Mom was seventeen and ne was eighteen. He was playing gigs at a little hole in the wall bar called The Hideout justttrying to make money to support his family while they got ready to bring a baby into the world. He was discovered not long after I was born. The Blood Red Vipers was and still is a top of the charts rock band. "You sure you can handle a world tour after being on a break for four years, old man?"

"Old man?! I am only thirty-five thank you! And I've been ready to get back out there. Believe it or not I mits being crammed in a bus with four other guys," he said. I stood up, walking over to put my bowl in the sink. "You miss all the hot chicks screaming for you and throwing their nasty dirty underwear and bras on stage at you." He threw his head back and laughed. "Okay! Don't you have school?"

"Mm...unfortunately I do," I grumbled. "I'm sure your friends will be excited to see you," he said. I sighed and looked at him. "You know I don't have friends, dad." I walked past him and wwnt twwnte front entryway to get my bag. "You know and t at concerns me. I moved us here so you could have a normal high school experience and make friends."

"Even if I did make friends they ouldn't be my friends. If everyone knew my dad was a famous rockstar they ould only like me because of that. To be honest I'm s rprised more people haven't figured it out." He had followed me to the front door and was now standing in front of me.

"Well, you don't talk to people and y u look more like your mom than me. Plus, I wasn't popular in this town when I was your age. I got into a lot of trouble. And I made it a point to not be noticed, for , u. Trust me I've een recognized by people I went to school with. This town isn't much for the whole rock and roll life. Just means you're bad news."

I stood in front of him with my head down. People didn't take much notice of me. I'm practically invisible to them. There were comments here and there from people about the way I dressed or how shy I am. I'm only shy around people I don't know. Once I'm comfortable around someone I'm more myself. Sarcastic, opinionated, goofy. I'm a kind person until I'm pushed too far then I'm a force to be reckoned with.

"Just try and have a good day at school. I'll see you when you get home." He pulled me into him, wrapping me in a hug. "I love you." I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged back. "I love you too, dad." He kissed the top of my head and pulled away. "Also, stop stealing all my damn shirts, you have your own!" I laughed looking down at the black faded Def Leppard shirt of his I stole. "Sharing is caring!" I said, walking out the door.

When I got to school I parked as far from anyone else as I could. I walked towards the school with my head down like always, avoiding eye contact with anyone. "Looks like someone went shopping in a dumpster again." I looked over to see Misty Everton laughing with her little friends, her boyfriend Chad Michelle beside her with his arm slung around her shoulders.

"Oh, hey Misty! Didn't I see you with Eric Cartmen yesterday after school making out in the backseat of his shitty car...again?" Her eyes widened and she snarled at me. "What's she talking about? You told me cheer practice was running late!" When she turned to look at him, that's when I made my way inside.

The day went by like every other day. Went to classes, sat alone at lunch, avoided people especially Misty's glares. Now I was in my last class, math, algebra to be exact. And although I had straight A's, I hated math just as much as everyone else. At the end of the class while I was packing up my stuff Ms. Alder called my name. "Yn, I need to talk to you about something, so please stay."

Oh god, it's never good when a teacher wants you to stay after class. I waited for everyone to leave before I approached her desk. "You wanted to speak to me?" She sat in her chair and sighed. "You're my best student, yn," she said. I shifted from one foot to the other. "Umm...okay. Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

She shook her head, "oh! No! No, you didn't do anything wrong. I have a student that isn't doing so well in my class. And in order for him to graduate this in June he needs to bring his grade up to at least a C minus. And right now he's failing. But if he can pass the next two tests and the final he will have the credits to graduate." I didn't know what this had to do with me. "Okay. Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"I was hoping that you might be able to tutor him if you have some free time. It will have to be for free unfortunately. He doesn't have the best home life. I mean his uncle does everything he can for him but they struggle. I think he has the potential to do something with his life. He just needs to graduate and get out of this town. If you can't do it I completely understand. I just thought I'd ask," she said.

Not being paid isn't really a big deal to me. But giving up my time to tutor someone. "Who is it?" I asked. She took a deep breath before answering. "I don't know if you know him since you're not in the same class but his name is Eddie. Eddie Munson."

Eddie Munson. Who doesn't know Eddie? They call him a freak and he's kind of hard to miss with the long, black, curly hair and his big mouth. He's constantly flirting with girls in the halls. Of course they act like he doesn't exist not wanting people to know they have a thing for the freak. I've seen him taking girls to his van after school when no one else was around. He's also into that game, Dungeons and Dragons. He and his friends have a little club, Hellfire or something.

"I know who he is. I guess I can tutor him. I don't have much going on. I'm free tomorrow after school so I can meet him in the library," I told her. She smiled and handed me a folder of what he needs help with the most. "Thank you so much, yn. I'll let him know to meet you tomorrow." I took the folder and walked out of her classroom. Why did I just agree to this?

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