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I sat on the couch in the living space of our suite. Eddie was sitting in a chair to the right of me, elbows resting on his knees as he leaned towards me. He's been trying to get me to look at him but I can't. I know if I do he'll give me those stupid puppy dog eyes he gives and I'll forgive him and forget all about what happened. "Sweetheart, please look at me." I shook my head and leaned back. "Look, I don't know what she was doing in that line, okay? But I will make sure she can't get anywhere near me or you."

I finally looked at him, scoffing out a laugh. "I don't give a fuck about Stacy right now, Eddie. This is about how you've been fucking acting lately. The drinking and the drugs, along with the all night partying. Then there's what you said to me. You screamed at me and told me, Eddie. You said I was just jealous of the attention you give you fans. You called me an attention whore then proceeded to tell me that I should be grateful that you're with me when you could have any girl you wanted. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?!"

I stood up and started pacing the room. I was trying to keep my emotions in check. Eddie stood up, walking over to me, and stopped my pacing with his hands on my shoulders. I shrugged out of his hold and backed away. "Don't touch me." His big brown eyes were full of pain and regret. "I'm so sorry, baby. I instantly regretted every word that came out of my mouth the second I said them. I don't know why I even did it. I don't want anyone else. You're all I want; you're all I'll ever want or need." I crossed my arms over my chest. I was having a hard time believing that.

"Please just let me prove to you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. The drinking, partying, and drugs; it will all stop. I promise. I'll even cancel the rest of this tour just so I can make it up to you. We can go on a vacation; just the two of us. We're here because of me anyway. I didn't want to stop the tour; I wanted to keep going. We were even talking about doing Europe after this. It was going to be nonstop. I'm sorry. You're right, I'm getting all caught up in the fame and attention. The tour is off. I'll tell the guys and call me manager."

I looked at him with shock and anger. "You're telling me that this whole time, when we could have been at home taking a break from this touring, you decided to just keep going nonstop! You know what, Eddie, you go ahead and do your touring. I'm going home…alone…without you! I need a break from all this and I think we need a break from each other. Now you can be free to do whatever and whoever you want." I turned, walked into the bedroom, and started packing. Tears started to sting the back of my eyes, then started to blur my vision. I can't believe I was so stupid to believe that Eddie and I were different. That our relationship was strong enough to fight through everything that came with this life.

"Sweetheart, please don't do this. Let me make it up to you, please I'm begging you. Just give me a week to prove to you that I can change. I can't do this without you." I zipped up my suitcase and walked past him to go to Jay and Anna's room. Eddie's hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me, and pulling me closer to him. He bent down on his knees, holding my hands, and stared up at me. "Please, don't leave me. I love you so fucking much and I will do anything to keep you. I'll give this all up for you if that's what you want. Just don't leave me. Please give me a chance."

His eyes were full of tears, looking up and pleading with me; begging me to give him a chance. "Fine. But you cancel the rest of the tour, take a break for at least a month before going and working on any new album or songs. No gigs, no interviews, no meet and greets. Nothing. No drinking or getting high. And as for that vacation, we're going home to Hawkins. We're going to spend time with your uncle and my dad. Meet up with old friends. As a matter of fact, we're going to buy a house in Hawkins and spend some time there, a lot of time."

He started to rapidly nod his head. "Anything for you, sweetheart. You want to move there permanently, we can. Hell, I'll even buy Jay and Anna a new house if it means you don't leave me. I promise I'm going to straighten up." He stood up, kissed my forehead, and went back into the living area. "What are you doing?" I asked. He popped his head back into the room. "Calling my manager to tell him to cancel everything for the next few months."

That's exactly what he did too. There was some arguing and yelling but eventually he got everything canceled. He told the guys, who were pissed, that he didn't consult them first. He made it clear to them that I would always come first before Corroded Coffin. We packed our things, went to the airport, and headed home to California. Anna and Jay went home to their own house after I convinced Jay to take a much needed and deserved vacation.

I watched Eddie from the ensuite bathroom in our bedroom. He was sprawled out on the black cotton sheets sound asleep. When we got home he went straight to the kitchen and dumped out any alcohol we had in there and around the house. Then we ordered takeout and sat in silence while we ate. Eddie cleaned up and I went to take a bath. Except I haven't gotten in the bath yet, hell, I haven't even filled the tub.

I stood in the bathroom, leaning on the counter, looking in the mirror until I heard the bedroom door open and close. "You alright in there, sweetheart?" I didn't answer at first, I stayed silent until he called out my name. "Yeah, I'm fine! I'm going to take a hot bath!" Now I was standing here watching him, playing back everything that has happened over the past few days. Wondering if he would keep his promise and hoping things would go back to the way they used to be.

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