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May 4, 1984

I waited until after school and went to the theater room where Eddie held his DnD club. When I walked in he was setting everything up. The door shut behind me with a loud click and he looked up. "What the hell do you want? Because if it's to join Hellfire the answer is no way in hell." I rolled my eyes which I do a lot when it came to dealing with him. "No. I just wanted to give you my address."

He stopped what he was doing and a sly smirk spread across his face. "Well, fuck, sweetheart if you wanted me to fuck that attitude out of you all you had to was say so." I felt bile rising in my throat. "Gross! No. I thought we could study there. I think I found a way that will help you understand this shit and help you get the grade you need to pass so you can graduate. Then I won't ever need to see you again."

I laid the piece of paper with the address on it on the table and he grabbed it. He looked at it then looked up at me. "Is this a fucking joke? Some kind of trick?" He asked. I looked at him confused, "what?" I asked. "You're telling me you live in the on the hill in that big ass fucking house?" I looked down at the ground and shuffled back and forth on my feet. Eddie scoffed and let out an unamused laugh.

"Of course you're one of them," he said. I looked at him, "one of them? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" I asked. He laughed again, "a stuck up rich bitch! Daddy's little princess who gets everything she wants. What, you got a bunch of your friends coming too? You gonna gang up on the freak?"

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Come or don't come I don't fucking care anymore. All I've been trying to do the past two weeks is help you!" I turned around and walked out of the room just as the other members of Hellfire were coming in. They all looked at me as I walked by like it was the first time they've seen a girl. When I got in my car I had to take a deep breath so I wouldn't break down. Then I headed home.

May 5, 1984

I was in my room reading when the doorbell chimed through the house. I sighed, marking my page and getting up to go down and answer the floor. Seeing as dad and the guys were down in the studio they wouldn't hear anything. I walked down the stairs and made my way to the front door. When I pulled the door open I was surprised to see Eddie standing there. It was almost four in the afternoon. I didn't think he was going to come.

"Oh, it's you," I said. He rolled his eyes and tried to avoid looking at me. "You gonna invite me in or not?" He asked. I sighed and stepped aside. When he was in I closed the door and turned to see him looking around, his eyes slightly wide. "You want something to drink?" I asked. He turned to look at me and I cleared my throat. "You got beer? Or are mommy and daddy wine drinkers?" He asked. I scoffed and walked to the kitchen not bothering to see if he was behind me.

I opened the fridge and pulled a beer out, setting it on the counter and getting into the drawer for the bottle opened. I popped the top off of it and slid it across the counter to him. "So where are your parents?" He asked, taking a swig of his beer. "Well, my mom died when I was little and my dad is downstairs with his friends."

He paused midway and set the bottle down. "Shit, sorry. I didn't..." I waved him off, "it's fine." I bit my lip, tapping my fingers on the counter top. I was nervous to tell him who my dad was. I didn't need everyone at school knowing and wanting to try and be friends with me because they wanted to get close to him thinking it would boost their popularity or something.

"Look, before we head downstairs I need you to promise you won't tell anyone who my dad is. I also need you to promise you won't freak out and try and get close to me so you can get closer to him." He raised his eyebrows. "Your dad some kind of serial killer or something?" He asked. I let out a huffed laugh. "No! Nothing like that but you do know him in a way." He looked even more confused and I walked around the counter. "Promise?" I asked. He nodded his head after a few long minutes. "Promise."

"Follow me." I led him through the living room and to the stairs that led down to the studio. As soon as I opened the door the music seeped out and surrounded us. I walked down the steps and stopped at a door. I had to take a deep breath before I opened it and stepped inside. Eddie was close behind me and I closed the door once he was in. His mouth fell open and his eyes grew wide. "No fucking way!"

He head snapped to look at me just as the music cut off. "Shut the fuck up! There is no fucking way!" I had to hold back from laughing at his dumbfounded look he had. My dad set his guitar down and walked over to us. Eddie's eyes grew wider as he froze in place. "You must Eddie." I couldn't help but laugh when Eddie looked at him in awe, his mouth opening and closing.

Dad looked at me and I shrugged. The rest of the band came over to stand in front of him. "Eddie, this is my dad, Jax. And that's Ash, Bret, Axel, and Davey." I pointed to each of the guys. "Guys this is Eddie Munson." They each greeted him and shook his hand. "They will be helping me help you pass Ms. Adler's class so you can graduate." Eddie looked at me and smiled then looked back at the band.

"Holy shit! I fucking love you guys!" They all laughed and smiled being used to this kind of reaction. "You're the reason I started my band," he said. My dad nodded, "Corroded Coffin, right?" He asked. And Eddie's head snapped to me and I shrugged. "Yeah! Um...yes, yes sir, that's right."

They help Eddie with understanding things a little better which in turn helped me out a lot too. I had ordered pizza and paid for it when it got here. "Pizza!" I yelled down the stairs loud enough for the guys to hear me. I pulled plates out and grabbed all six of them a beer just as they were coming up into the kitchen. "Thank you, sweetheart." Dad kissed the side of my head and took the beer I handed him.

I grabbed my plate and walked over to the table and sat down. Eddie came over and sat with me. He was chuckling at something one of the guys said, probably Davey since he's the one always cracking jokes. "Hey." I looked at him and smiled. "Everything going okay?" I asked. He nodded, a huge smile spread across his face. "This is fucking unbelievable! The new girl isn't as shy and weird as everyone thinks."

"Okay. For one, I'm not new. I've been here for like four years now. Two, I just don't like talking to people who I don't find interesting and have their heads up their asses." He chuckled and took a bite of his pizza. "Thanks for this: for agreeing to help me." I nodded my head, "no problem."

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