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What was wrong with him? He keeps fucking up. He didn't remember much from the last time he saw her; not until Billy showed up and about beat his ass. When Billy start to tell him what happened, everything he had said to her came rushing back like a fucking tsunami. The water receded Leaving nothing but wet sand behind before it came rushing back with a vengeance. It slammed into him, knocking him and his memories back to that night. The harsh word he said to her; tell her he slept with Stacy. The look on her face had knocked the wind out of him.

It didn't really happen. Well, it did, the part about him sleeping with Stacy was a lie. The part about her coming to see him and telling him that yn wasn't compatible with him and that she would only bring him down, that was all true. She also tried to sleep with him but he didn't let it happen. He had pushed her away, several times. She was at the bar that night too, when yn showed up. She didn't appear until after yn left. He remembered Billy giving him a death stare, which he still can't understand why he cares so much. But he left right after that and then Stacy came out of the shadows with a huge grin on her face.

He had let her drive him home after that night in his van. He doesn't remember too much. Just that when he woke up she was standing in his kitchen…his and yn kitchen, wearing one of his shirts and only his shirt. He couldn't remember for the life of him if he had fucked her or not. He had forced her out of the house though. Made her get changed and called a can for her. He didn’t want her there. Then he did what he does best, he drank and got high to numb the pain and emptiness he felt. The house was quiet and he hated that.

There wasn't any music playing or TV playing. He couldn't even be in the studio downstairs because yn wasn't there, sitting on the couch curled up with a book. He just decided to drown his sorrows. He laid in bed all day until someone rang the doorbell and pounded on the door nonstop until he answered it. When he dragged himself out of bed and almost fell down the stairs and tripped over the rug in the entryway by the door, he was confused to see Billy Fucking Hargrove standing on his doorstep.

“What the fuck do you want? I'm not signing any autographs, Hargrove, so you're shit outta luck,” he said, slurring some of the words. His eyes were droopy and most definitely bloodshot. “Jesus fucking christ, no wonder she left your ass. Look at you! What the fuck is wrong with you giving up a girl like yn?” Eddie scuffed and walked back into the house not giving a shit if Billy followed or not. “I don't know what you mean, man. Me and yn are just fine. She's not here right now though. Actually, I don't know where she is. Think she might have stayed at her dad's or something.”

A hand slapped down on his bare shoulder, gripping the bare skin hard and spun him around. “No shit she ain't here. You fucking told her you fucked another bitch! What you think she's gonna just get over that?” Eddie's head was hurting, he didn't know what Billy was going on about. “What the fuck are you talking about?” He pushed the man off of him. “You told her you fucked Stacy and that she was a better fuck than yn. Remember? Last night at The Hideout.”

The more Billy talked the more sober Eddie got. He fucked up again and this time he probably wouldn't get her back. That's why he had decided he would give it sometime. Give her some time. He planned to keep himself sober that whole week, to prove to her he could get better, but the pain from the loss of her presence was too much and the only way he knew how to numb that pain was by getting high or drunk.

He told himself that he would numb the pain just a little bit before heading to her dad's where he knew she would be. He would numb the pain, wait a few hours and let himself come down so he was good enough to drive and be able to speak without sounding like a fool. But when He walked out the front door to go to his van, Stacy was standing there. “Eddie! Oh, Eddie!” She ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He heard her sniffle as she tightened her hold on him. “Why are you here?” He asked carefully, arms at his sides.

“It's just awful, Eddie. I got into this huge fight with my dad. He doesn't like that I'm in love with you. I told him I didn't care and that I was going to be with you whether he likes it or not. Then he kicked me out! Threw my clothes out into the front yard! I didn't know where else to go!” Eddie pushed her away. She looked at him with glossy eyes. “In love with me? What the fuck?! Bitch, I don't want you!” Her eyes grew wide in shock but only for a few seconds before they darkened into anger. “What, you still love that little bitch?! She's not meant for you Eddie! She's holding you back! She wants to control you!”

“You don't know shit! Here is what is going to happen; I am going over to yn's, talk to her, and win her back, and then… then I am going to take you to the airport, put you on a fuckin plane, and you are going to get the fuck out of my fucking life for good. I never want to see or hear from you ever again. You come anywhere near me or my girlfriend ever again you will regret it. Now get into he fucking van!”

He should have taken her to the airport first. He shouldn't have gone over to yn's with her still in the van. That was fucking stupid. But he was still too high to fucking think straight. It didn't help that when Billy was the one to open the door. His intoxicated mind went straight to conjuring up pictures of Billy bending his girl over a counter and fucking her. Even worse he pictured her screaming Billy name instead of his own. Furry seeped into his veins and he started to see red.

That all quickly vanished after yn saw Stacy sitting in the van. Eddie once again fucked up and he knew it. He was good at that; fucking up. Especially when it came to the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He didn't expect that she would try and beat the life out of the girl though. He just stood back and watched as Billy wrapped his arms around her waist, the waist he always held onto when he kissed her or fucked her until she could string a coherent sentence together. The waist that only his arms should be wrapped around.

Stacy deserved what she got though. She was dumb enough to open her mouth. He felt fucking sick when she called him baby. It didn't settle well with him. “You might want to get you're little fuck toy out of her, Munson. Get your shit together while you're at it.” He watched Billy walk back into the house with yn over shoulder. She was screaming at him the whole time. “I fucking hate you!”

Those words stuck in his mind the whole way to the airport. “Can you believe her? She's fucking cra…” I didn't know what I was doing until I did it. Stacy stopped talking and gasped when the back of my hand connected with his cheek. I was stopped out front of the airport, nobody was around, and turned to her. “You ever fucking contact me again I will make sure your life is more of a living hell than it already is. Get the fuck out of my van and get as far away from me as possible.” She had tears in her eyes hand pressed against her cheek.

“Now!” She flinched, grabbed her bag and opened the door. “Oh, and don't bother trying to press charges. It won't work.” I leaned across the passenger, pulled the door shut, and left her in my rearview mirror. It was time to get my shit straightened out, lay some rules down with the band, make a new fucking album, and win my girl back before I lose her to Billy Fucking Hargrove.

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