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May 11, 1984

I just finished getting ready to go to dinner and the hideout with Eddie. I had put jeans that had a hold in one knee on with fishnets under it and a Led Zeppelin shirt that I had roughly cropped and tried to destress a little more. I grabbed my jacket and went downstairs to put my shoes on.

When Eddie left early today he said he'd be back to pick me up at six and it was five fifty-seven right now. I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on, lacing them and then pulled my jacket on and walked outside to wait for him. I made sure to grab my keys and wallet before walking out the door. I turned around and locked the front door then sat on steps and waited.

I sat there bouncing my knee, looking down at my watch. Eddie was half an hour late. "He probably just lost track of time or is having car trouble." I tried to reason with myself. But when it hit seven then seven thirty I stood up and went back inside. Maybe the phone rang and I didn't hear it. "Wait no. You never gave Eddie your number." I sighed, sitting my keys and wallet on the table beside the door and took my jacket off.

I had tried to convince myself something came up and since he doesn't have my number he can't call and let me know. But time kept going and it was now nine. I had changed into sweats and a tee-shirt and went back to the kitchen to look for something to eat. I closed the fridge and opened the freezer and pulled out a pint of ice cream.

I hopped up on the counter, crossed my legs and started to slowly eat it. I was starting to think this was all just a cruel joke. I tried to not let it get to me but I couldn feel the burning in the back of my eyes. I wasn't even eating the ice cream now I was just poking at it with the spoon. I was a fool for letting him stay here last night and telling him personal things.

Maybe it's because I rejected him. Maybe it's because he just wanted something to hold over my head and make fun of me about. It wouldn't surprise me if he told his friends about who my dad is or what I told him last night about me never being kissed or still being a virgin. I jumped when the phone rang. I took a deep breath, jumped off the counter and picked the phone up. "Hello?"

"Hey, little viper. I didn't expect you to answer the phone. I was just going to leave a message on the machine. I thought you were going out with that boy." I sighed and cleared my throat. "Yeah, I canceled," I lied. "Oh. Is everything alright? Did he do something to upset you? Did he try something?!"

I let out a little laugh and shook my head. "No. It's just girl problems, ya know? Cramps, headache, nausea, bloating." All a complete lie. One big fat fucking lie. What was I supposed to say? 'Yeah, dad, Eddie stood me up because I told him I didn't want to have sex with him when he kept looking at my lips like he wanted to kiss me.'  Yeah that was never going to happen. 

"Okay, if you say so. I just wanted to call and say good night and that I love you," he said. "I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow night." We hung up and I put the ice cream back in the freezer and went up to my room to get ready for bed. I just wanted this day to be over with. And of course I couldn't sleep because all I could do was think about Eddie standing me up. I could even call it that?


After Eddie left yn's he went to the other band members houses and they packed everything up in the van. They went to the hideout and set everything in the back room for later that night. After he dropped the guys off he went back home to get a shower and changed. Then he headed back out to do a few errands for himself and Wayne.

He was standing in the auto shop waiting for the machinic when a girl with long black hair, stunning green eyes, and a rocking body walked up to him. "Corroded Coffin. Never heard of them." He looked down at his shirt and then smirked at her. "You will one day. When I'm a famous rock star." She raised a pierced eyebrow and smiled.

"Is that right? So this is your band?" She asked. He nodded his head, licking his bottom lip. "It is. Why? You into guys in bands?" She bit her bottom lip and nodded. "So what part do you play in this band?" She asked. He leaned in closer to her still smirking. "Lead guitarist, lead singer, founder. Take your pick, baby."

"The leading man. Just my type," she whispered. "You new in town?" He asked. She shook her head, "no. I'm just here visiting my dad for the weekend. I leave tomorrow afternoon." He nodded his head and looked around. "You wanna get out of here? Go back to my place? Then maybe you can come with me and watch me play." She nodded her head and Eddie grabbed her hand, pulling her out to his van and headed back to his place.

He was so caught up in this girl that he didn't even remember that he was supposed to be picking yn up at six to go out to eat before going to the hideout so she could watch him play. He didn't think anything of when the guys gave him a confused look when he introduced Stacy to them.

They had been expecting yn to be there, not some random girl that Eddie met just hours ago. Yn never even crossed Eddie's mind once. He was too busy getting laid before and after his gig and then some more before Stacy left Sunday afternoon. So when he went to school on Monday and yn ignored him, he was confused but brushed it off deciding he'd just talk to her after school instead.


I was standing at my locker getting my books for my first few classes when I heard my name being called from down the hall. When that person ended up being Eddie I quickly shut my locker and disappeared into the crowd of students. I mean he could have a very good excuse for standing me up but knowing him he probably didn't. I was going to talk to Ms. Adler about finding him another tutor or maybe convince her he doesn't need one anymore.

Instead of going to the cafeteria for lunch I went to the library and hid in the very back. I decided to do the homework from my first few classes so then I wouldn't have as much to do when I got home. It was peaceful and quiet in the library. Not a lot of people come in here unless they absolutely have to. Everything was fine until the chair across from me was pulled out and someone sat down. I didn't even look up, I just sighed.

"I called your name earlier this morning. I guess you didn't hear me which I guess is understandable. It's like everyone in the school was in that one hallway." I didn't say anything. I kept my head down and focused on my work. "So, are we meeting here after school or should I come over to your place?"

I looked down at my watch seeing lunch was almost over. So I started to pack everything up. I went to grab my pen when Eddie's hand wrapped around my wrist. "Hey, what is up with you? I asked you a question." I pulled my arm out of his hold and looked up at him. "Actually, I won't be tutoring you anymore. You don't need the help anymore." I grabbed my backpack and stood up.

"Wait. wait. wait. I do need your help. What's going on? Did I do something to piss you off?" He stood in front of me blocking me from getting around him. "Sweetheart, just tell me what's wrong." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Move outta my way, Eddie. I need to get to class." I tried to move around him but he instead backed me into the corner between the wall and a bookcase.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong? Huh? Did someone say something to you? Does your dad not want you hanging around me? Did I do or say something? Just fucking tell me. Please." I pushed him away from me and he took a couple steps back. "How was your gig last night?" I asked. He shrugged, "it was good. You should have been th….FUCK!" There a shushing from the librarian, Mrs. Walter.

The bell rang and I walked around Eddie. "Look, I need to get to class," I said. "Wait. Yn, I'm sorry! Okay? I met this chick at the auto shop and ya know we kind of got into it." He had a smirk on his face and he winked. "I don't give a fuck about your sexual habits. Now if you'll excuse me." I turned around and walked away.

Of course he blew me off so he could fuck some girl he doesn't know and probably won't ever see agian. Why am I even upset about it? Stupid fucking feelings. I blinked rapidly to try and stop the tears from coming and headed to my last few classes.

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