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It's been two weeks since all those fans asked Eddie to play D&D with them and give them tips. He's been going to the school every Friday night to join the game. During the week, he's in the home studio working on his music, getting ready to make a new album. Of course, that meant interviews, award shows, eventually another tour, and a lot more. There was already a meet and greet this weekend here in Hawkins that his manager set up at the Hideout. He said it would be good press. Eddie Munson, back in his hometown, met fans at the place where it all started and where he was discovered. The rest of the band would be coming too. After the meet and greet they would hold a small concert.

“Don't stay out too late. You have that meet and greet this weekend at the hideout.” I followed Eddie to the front door. “I know, sweetheart. I'll be home right after the campaign is over. I promise.” He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. “I'll see you when I get home. I love you!” He said as he ran out the door to his van. “I love you too,” I said and shut the door.

It's now almost midnight, and Eddie still isn't home. The campaign ended two hours ago at ten. You would think he would find a phone to call me and let me know if they were running late. Just as that thought popped into my head, the phone rang. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the phone off the hook. “Hello?”

“Hey, yn, it's Al, down at The Hideout. Eddie's here, and he's pretty drunk. I think you can come get him?” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Yeah. I'll be there in a little.” I hung up the phone, walked to the door, slipped a pair of shoes on, grabbed my keys, and headed out the door. When I pulled up to the small hole in the wall bar, the parking lot was packed. “What the actual fuck?!” I found a place to park close to the door so it was easier to get Eddie into the passenger seat.

The sound of music, laughter, and chatter spilled out of the bar and only got louder when I pulled the door open. I pushed my way through the crowd and upto the bar counter. “Hey, yn! Sorry you had to come down here!” Al yelled over the noise in the small space. “He's over by the stage!” He pointed over the heads of the crowd and I thanked him. I pushed through the crowd of drunks and screaming fans. It was clear some of them showed up here in hopes of getting to meet Eddie early and they got their wish.  When I got through the crowd I saw the rest of the band.

They were all taking shots, including Eddie. I should have known this would happen eventually. I walked up to the table they were at and snatched the shot glass out of Eddie's hand. “Hey!” He looked up at me with an angry bit that morphed into a wide smile. “Babe! Hey, look, everyone! It's my sexy ass fuck girlfriend!” I fixed him with a glare and pulled him up out of his chair. “It's time to go home,” I said. He pulled away from me, swaying on his feet. “You just got here! Have a drink!” He said, spreading his arms out. “No,” I said sternly. “We are going the fuck home right now!”

“I don't want to go home right now.” I took a deep breath, walked closer to him, and dug my hand into his pockets until I found his keys. “Fine, but don't come home.” I turned around and started pushing my way through people. I pushed my way outside and headed for my car. “I heard you came back but didn't want to believe it.” I jumped at the sudden voice to my right and spun around. There stood Billy Hargrove, leaning against the brick wall, cigarette between his fingers. His hair was still the same as it was back in high school, which didn't surprise me. “Billy Hargrove, what the hell are you doing here? I thought you went back to California after graduation,” I asked.

He took a drag of his cigarette, threw it to the ground, and ground it into the cracked blacktop with his boot. “I did for a little while. Then I came back here to take care of Maxine until she graduated and went off to college. No2 I own the garage in town.” I raised my eyebrows in semi shock. “Wow. That's amazing, Billy. How is Max?” I asked. “Still dating that Lucas kid. She's going to Indian State University.”

“Oh, so she's only a couple hours away. That's not bad.” He nodded and hummed. “What're you doing back in Hawkins? Thought you would be living your life on the road with your rockstar boyfriend.” I scoffed out a laugh. “I needed a break from all that. So we bought a house here in Hawkins and Eddie took a break from touring. He and the band are actually working on a new album. There's also supposed to be a meet and greet this Weekend, but it looks like it started early. Al called me to come pick Eddie up because he's drunk, and surprise surprise he doesn't want to leave.”

Just then an extremely drunk Eddie stumbled out of the door. If It wasn't for Billy he would have face planted. “Jesus, Eddie. What the hell are you doing?” I asked. “I…was looking for you. We're doing shots, you gotta join!” I shook my head. “I think it's time for you to go home, man,’Billy told him, still holding him up. “Get off me! Who the fuck are you?” Eddie pushed him off, stumbling back into the wall. “It's Billy, Eddie. Come on, we need to get you home and fucking sobered up.”

“You're out here with some other guy? Is this what you want?” He slurred with a hiccup. “What the fuck are you talking about? Never mind you're drunk, let's go.” I walked over to him to try and help him walk to my car but he pushed me away with more force than expected for being shit faced. I stumbled back, putting my hands up in defense. “Excuse you! What the fuck is wrong with you?! I am trying to help you, Eddie!” He scuffed and looked at me with droopy eyes. Only then did I notice how his pupils were  blown wide. He wasn't just drunk, he was high too. “You've got to be fucking kidding me! Seriously, Eddie! The second your stupid little friends and adoring fans show you, you're back to typical rockstar. High and drunk and completely full of himself!”

“You just don't know how to have fun! You're just jealous I have people who adore me and you have nobody! You wanted me to come back here and turn me into someone I'm not anymore!” He walked closer to me, pointing a finger in my face. “She was right. You're only going to bring me down. She was right that she's more compatible with me. Stacy would never try and change who I am. She's a better fuck too! Should have left you after I fucked her in that clubs bathroom after my concert in Boston. Just like she wanted me to.”

My heart stopped and I could physically feel it breaking. My stomach was in knots and tears stung my eyes. I didn't know what to say or do. I just stood there staring at me with wide glassy eyes, mouth hanging open. The ringing in my ears was starting to get louder and my breathing picked up. I could faintly hear Billy saying fuck. I opened and closed my mouth as tears started to stream down my face. “Well…” I felt like I was going to throw up. “Well, congratulations, Eddie, you're a free man now. You can go fuck whoever you want and get as drunk and high as you cold icy black heart can handle. I'm done. We're done.”

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