9. M. A. C.

9 4 2

Rosanna's P. O. V:

Today was the day. Today is the day.

Run, you twerp. You know you cannot face this!

No. You're f*cking pathetic to do anything. You can't win right, you can't even lose right-

It's absolutely useless for you to escape. Seek early death or prolonged death?

It's the usual. My brain is tormenting me. Nothing new.

I shrugged the tension off my shoulders as I stared at myself in the mirror.

Silently hoping the same vortex that brought me here would appear and whisk me back into normalcy.

Although a part of me is brimming with excitement at the idea of performing magic and exploring this new world. I mean, who wouldn't? Suddenly becoming a Mage like you've only ever seen in fiction.

It was all conflicting, the inner contrast. I could not properly distinguish which part of the nervous pit in my stomach was for excitement or dread.

Nevertheless, I stilled my mind against all thoughts and proceeded with my schedule for the day.

Aniysa would catch up to me later in class- having a schedule where we both meet up. Luckily, she prevailed against the odds and she will be able to attend the Institution.

Aye, another thing different about us. She's dying to come here, I'm dying to go out.

Anyways, It would be nice to see the girl in person. Ending our long distance relationship.

It was odd, how fast we bonded. Each passing day we grew to be more fond of each other.

Why? Maybe it's the absurdity of our situation and the individual nonchalance to judge since we both had sh*t piled on our plates. Albeit different colored sh*t.

We both had things to worry about. Things that were generally odd and fiction-like but so far apart. Same yet different.

We related in a way that we had problems, trying to solve them and just not having the energy to give much of a darn judging or investing unnecessary energy at the end of it all.

Well, that is the basis. Aside from the fact she was just too cute and friendly.

Patting invisible dust off my shoulder, I puffed my chest up, squared my shoulders whilst letting them relax in a not so stiff way. Giving myself a proper posture.

My chin was not pointed to the roof nor lowered to gaze at the mystery of me feet. Reminding me of the awkward protagonists.

Unfortunately, I can't afford to show weakness or flaw anywhere in this world.

Rule No. 1: Fit in or dominate.

For the time being I'd take a passive since I didn't exactly know how to fit in, nor did I have the ability to dominate anything.

I admired myself in the mirror.

Dark academia coming into slight play.

Grey trench coat, black corset skirt, white button up t-shirt and thigh length white socks.

I wore black high heeled boots which brought my height going over 6ft- proudly, might I add. Expectedly as my original height was 5'11. My brothers all going over 6'3. It was quite the norms in my family and I love it.

Ah, my love for tall people. Well, some of them. Reminds me of Aniysa, the five foot five cutie. Though they were different topics...

Ah-hem, let's not stray to unsure topics.

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