24. A Maiden's Love

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Their Person's P. O. V:

Time passed by in a flash, according to the thoughts of Aniysa and Rosanna who dreaded the passing of each second.

Sharon Whitemore had an amused expression whenever she witnessed the duo's depression.

The Simulation Class wasn't as bad as the online forums made it to be. Sharon saw it to be an exaggeration. Claiming that even if death rates were listed, the Juniors did not need to worry much as compared to the Seniors. 

It was true in a sense but Rosanna was assuredly aware that Starfall would soon fall into an apocalyptic state. And the pressure for Frontline warriors would have a tremendous increase.

The higher-ups are aware. But [Chaos Descent] was not something that had preventive measures.

Rather, a stronghold for defense and offense would be enacted. And the need for Elementalists would not make for a relaxing training to both the veterans and novices. 

“F*cking hell.” Aniysa whispered as she stepped into the classroom.

Rosanna following sideways and letting out a silent gasp in response.

What was assumed to be an ordinary classroom from the outside turned into an ancient batflefield the moment the two stepped in.

To say Rosanna was surprised would be a partially true statement.

At the very least, she expected their training field to be in some sort of apocalyptic stage.

But she did not expect the ordinary looking classroom to take the form of an illusion. Or more accurately, a space-time teleportation array.

Blackness enveloped their vision the moment they stepped in and their surroundings changed.

Soon they found themselves in the middle of an ancient battlefield.

'Where are the others...?' Rosanna thought. Wondering why Kairos or the other students were not sighted.

Two blazing red moons hung above the sky and the sky was tinged with floating dust. Emphasizing the strange atmosphere of the destroyed land.

Holding the urge to vomit, Rosanna was overwhelmed by the thick stench in the air. That was of decaying flesh and blood.

The miasma in the air was so thick, it was visibly seen. Showcasing just how huge it's manifestation is.

Dark-purplish wisps moved freely above their heads in a distorted pattern. Polluting the environment and spreading even further.

But somehow, the Miasma was not as dangerous as Aniysa and Rosanna thought it would be.

Miasma of such level should have delivered a heavy damage to both of them, and even lead to possible death.

But the only thing their six senses could identify was a ruined wasteland, blood, the aura of death and the stench of corpses.

With the cold harsh winds mixed with sand that blew at them. Prickling their skin with numerous jabs and eliciting a cold shiver.

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