21. Rosa's Sex Ed

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Rosanna's P. O. V:

The day was uneventful. I met up with Aniysa and told her about my rich and influential, extremely loving boyfriend- Jones Walker.

Who felt it would be inconvenient for me to stay in a Gold dormitory. So rather, he got me a Diamond room.

Aniysa's little mind ran beyond wild. She thought that we were up to some kinky shi. B*sm precisely. And convenience was just a pretense to be closer. Somehow she was correct but wrong.

Being closer is a better and more comfortable decision. There's nothing sneaky about it being convenient but it's definitely not based on the entirety of my comfort.

So in a way, Kairos and I planned on doing kinky forbidden stuff. That she was right about.

When blood became a source of comfort and pleasure.

“You've been wearing long sleeves since I've met you, why?”

I heard Aniysa ask from my side.

Raising my head up from the video I was watching on my phone, I replied distractedly.

“Mm, yeah. I feel more... comfortable with long sleeves and besides, the weather's getting colder.”

It was partial truth but deceit.

“...Sure.” Aniysa's suspicious remark came after.

“Though we're months before December. I wonder how you'll fare then.” She added.

“Eh, I'll know when the time comes.” I replied.

Shrugging, Aniysa diverted her eyes which were staring intently at my neck to the hallway we were following.

“So... Home must be a hot country, right?” She asked.

Correctly figuring out my immunity to the cold was actually poor.

“Understatement.” I snorted, bringing up my hand to my neck, adjusting my cloth in a casual way.

“Ah, okay.” Aniysa muttered before continuing.

“I've rarely been anywhere than the capital... So I don't know much about other countries... But hey! That's a plus! I know almost everywhere here and we should go on a tour sometime.”

She beamed, hooking her hand around mine.

I'd think she was outcasted or something, with the way Aniysa clung to me. But it's difficult to ignore the waves and hi's of people who knew her. And almost everyone knew Aniysa.

Then, why doesn't she have much friends? I wondered.

Pushing the glass door open, I walked into MST Class- Military Standard Training Class or Combat Class for short.

Voicing my thoughts about her situation. “So, why don't you have much friends?”

“Ah, people are scum. I'm not interested.” Aniysa replied, twirling inside while I held the glass door for her.

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