17. Caught on Scene

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Rosanna's P. O. V:

After a few minutes of thinking, the need for food finally settled in. I took a piss, brushed with an unused brush and washed my face.

Right on time, a tray of delicacies was already placed in the room by the time I left the toilet.

Having shoved most of my thoughts to the back of my head, I decided to get comfortable feeding my stomach.

Not much I could do, could I? So, enjoy the feast!


Walking over to the closet in the room, I rummaged through the available female clothes and settled on an outfit.

It would be best to change from this white maternity gown to something that I could leave this place with.

I chose a pink cardigan and white button up tshirt. Along with a black skirt and a pair of loose brown sandals my size. They were all made of good quality. Be it the texture or design.

Staring at the long mirror, I leaned closer, pulling down my collar and examining the mark on my left shoulder.

Two red dots laced with intricate designs of a rose with thorns intertwined with a gold butterfly. The image had an obvious expanse of a few centimeters.

Now, that's some nice tattoo.

Sadly, I'd have to cover it up and make sure I'm not targeted by one of Kairos' many crazed fans or enemies.

The insignia of royal mates is well known, and bouncing around with that brand would make me a fat sheep in the midst of wolves.

I need a new supply of turtle necks and collared clothes.



I was instructed by the blue haired pretty maid, to walk through the portal activated in the room.

Apparently the two maids were more than normal, as expected. They were advanced mages skilled at making teleportation portals.

I stood before the whirlpool with the two females standing at each side with outstretched hands. A warm yellow glow emitting from their hands and creating a portal.

They stood silently waiting for me to pass. I was stalling with an excuse that I needed to prepare mentally when I knew it wouldn't amount to anything.

Finally, obeying the impatient gesture from the other maid, who nodded her head at me with slight irritation in her eyes, I walked through. Internally snorting at the green eyed brunette.

It's not easy to be weak!

I was mentally 'guarded'- futily, against the nausea I'd most likely experience. But I guess the building I was treated in wasn't far off from the Institution.

Seeing as how I arrived at my balcony without feeling the side effects of long distance transportation. Just like the normal on-campus portals. 

The room was empty. And it was probably Aniysa's class period.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was 2:47pm. My guess was correct. 

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