30. Murder Attempt

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Rosanna's P. O. V:

I awoke to Karissa's nudging, finding the bed empty and realizing I was not Doctor Osborne's patient room but in my room in Kairos' mansion.

I got out of bed with less struggles and prepared for the day. Freshened up, wore a grey hoodie and black tights.

I couldn't be bothered to do anything with my hair so I let the stubborn curls fall to my back.

Ah, the unanticipated and anticipated day. Today; Monday.

Fixing the necessary tools in my bag, I stood up from the bed and Karissa left my room, seeing I was done.

After she patiently waited for me to dress up, much to my discomfort.

What am I? A disobedient child that won't prepare for school? Well, if I could... I wouldn't.

I locked the door with my card and walked with Karissa by my sides, acting like my personal bodyguard.

Thereafter we descended down the stairs and found all Team Alpha present.

With Kairos at the center of everyone's attention, talking about things I could not understand and marking out zones on the large map. Which was spread out upon the high center table.

His silver locks fell gently, framing his face which gave a soft image to his contradictory serious eyes. But it all blended well.

"...Natalie and Elan will take positions in the west, Pearce and Karissa south, Naiyah and Drake will go East and I'll take the North. Questions?"

"Aye," Pearce raised his hand up with a calm look.

Kairos turned his attention to the boy who was sitting in a poised manner, contrasting Elan's bad posture and oily face, nibbling on a chicken wing with a hunched back.

So much for prince charming perfect everything.

The two individuals sitting together received the group's undivided stare. It was kind of comedic.

"What do we do about the girl? We're leaving her in the mansion?"

"Who?" Elan asked, taking a pause from his food.

Do all Vampires eat cooked chicken? Do they like spicy sauce? I prefer it crispy, tender and with heavy taste.


I met Pearce's neutral face and received the focus of everyone.

I raised both hands in surrender. When did I come into this conversation?

"I am an innocent passerby." I declared blandly.

"She's with me."

Kairos' words came almost immediately after I opened my mouth. Clashing with my words.

Was that the typical male lead statement I heard?

Too bad I'm no female lead and rather a prisoner. Reality can be too disappointing, smh.

"Alright, Boss." Elan drawled, seeming to take the words off Pearce who had a relaxed expression, shrugging in acceptance.

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