47. Counterfeit

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R O S A N N A' S  P. O. V:

I doubt the professors care if I exist. Well, except of course, Mr. Giovanni. The rest seemed to not mind a bit whether I attended the sessions or not. I couldn't tell if I was grateful or not.

I needed to place studying in my ever changing, unstable schedule. Because failing any of my classes was not an option.

My perfect attendance was sullied. And that made my grades more unsure than ever.

The system task was still pending, hanging around my neck. And with the long breaks I got, not only did I study in the Library, I hid in a secluded corner and used the Magic Space necklace to go into the spatial dimension and absorb mana.

Everything was stressful. But I had to keep pushing on.

And what made it worse is that starting from this week, there is a huge likelihood the teachers would be giving us impromptu tests. From Aniysa's 'insider info'.

I was scribbling unintelligible words on my worksheet with Aniysa sitting across from me and tapping at her phone. The red haired girl located me in the library, and became my silent- almost absent company to keep me from dying of boredom.

'Bless her kind soul'. We didn't talk much, just sat in each other's presence while doing our individual work.

I felt a black shadow come over me, effectively blocking the sun's rays from illuminating my work.

I looked up and wondered who was disturbing my study session, an annoyed expression on my face. Soon morphing into shock when I saw Natalie's face.

I calmed my outer expression while my mind went into turmoil, Aniysa inquisitively staring at me from the side. Probably noticing my earlier abnormal reactions.

“May I help you?” I asked with feigned nonchalance.

“Yes.” She smiled, taking a sit opposite me in an elegant motion.

“I don't think I can help you.” I changed my words immediately.

“I think you-”

“Natalie Spades?” Aniysa questioned, leaning closer to me as she squinted her eyes at the purple haired female.

Ignoring Aniysa, Natalie focused her gaze on me.

“I think you can assist me a little bit. After all we're a team, no?”

“I'm sorry. I don't have that much power.” I replied patiently, having no clue to state a valid reason why Natalie would approach me. And in such an... Amiable way.

'I definitely wasn't safe, that's sure.'

A certain someone told me you almost died due to an unknown perpetrator. I assure you this, Rosanna, if I really wanted to kill you-- I'd have done it in an open, easier way. So don't think I'm your mysterious admirer. Anyways, I came here because I'm willing to make a deal with you.”

Purple eyes peering intently at me, Natalie was like a wolf in sheep's clothing, attempting to deceive a little piglet.

“Nope.” I popped the end of the 'p'.

“Yeah, no.” Aniysa added just after I uttered the word.

Quirking a brow, Natalie responded. “You haven't even heard my deal-”

“No.” “Nuh-uh.”

As expected of friends, we were in total synchrony now. Except we used different words.

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