Chapter 2

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A/N Sorry this update took a little longer than I thought it would. I went out of town and I thought I would have wifi, but then I didn't... anyways, here it is!

Jason POV

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Jason.” Piper said as she toyed with the hem of her jacket, “I mean this is… this is high school. I haven’t exactly had the best experience in high school.” I reached over to hold her hand while keeping my other hand on the steering wheel. This car really was great. Not only was it made of celestial bronze (hidden under the paint job of course) it had satellite, a built in phone, microwave, mini fridge, and the ever-so-needed stereo. Leo had really outdone himself.

“Chill out, Beauty Queen,” The son of Hephaestus said as he poked his head into the front seat from his place in the back of the four-seat cab, “This is the school where Percy reigns supreme, remember? They have to love us!” If only we could all be as optimistic as Leo.

“Are we almost there? My rear end’s about to fall asleep!” Frank called from the bed of the truck where he sat across from his girlfriend, Hazel.

“Yeah! I see Percy!” I yelled back as I squeezed Piper’s hand tighter.

Out of all of us, Hazel was probably having the worst anxieties about coming to school. She hadn’t been to a real school since the 1940’s I think, and back then people weren’t as… well… tolerant. Her head was probably filled with images of Dunce hats and whipping rulers. The poor girl had almost jumped out of her skin when she heard that uniforms weren’t used anymore. Scandalous was the word she’d used.

I carefully parked the truck next to Percy’s beat up blue car and looked at Piper one last time.

“You ready?” I asked. She shook her head, but opened her car door anyways.

“It’s about time!” Percy complained. He stood by his car with an arm around Annabeth. Rachel was talking to two kids I’d never seen before. One girl had long, dark brown hair and wide, brown eyes. The boy holding her hand had sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes.

“We hit traffic,” I lied. To be honest, nobody had wanted to get out of bed so early besides Frank (who had turned himself into a rooster just for the occasion).

“The apartments just around the corner,” Annabeth argued.

“Anyways! Who are these guys?” Leo interjected, clapping me on the shoulder and staring curiously at the two strangers, “Are these the friends you were telling us about, Perce?” Percy grinned proudly.

“Yep! This is Trinity and Hayden.” He said, pointing them out, “Trinity’s clear-sighted, and Hayden’s… not.”

“Thanks man, for pointing out how extremely mortal I am.” Hayden said drily. The boy shook his head, and held out his hand to me, “Hayden Landin,” He introduced himself. His handshake was loose; Reyna likely could’ve snapped his wrist with a twist of her fingers. But he had a strong build. He was probably a swimmer like Percy.

“Jason Grace,” I said, “And this is my girlfriend, Piper.” I didn’t say her last name. I never did, just in case there were some Tristan McLean fans nearby.

“Hi,” She said shyly. Hayden tugged on his girlfriend’s hand a little bit to bring her forward.

“This is Trinity,” He introduced her.

“And I’m Leo, thanks for mentioning,” He said, popping out from behind me and punching my arm, “That’s Frank and Hazel trying and failing to hide near the truck.” Leo smirked, pointing towards the couple leaning against the car door of the truck. Hayden and Trinity sent them polite waves.

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