Chapter 15

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A/N Please don't hate me! I'm sorry I haven't updated in nearly a month! Honestly, I have no good reason. My inspiration was fading, my time was getting short, I just wasn't able to write as often as I wanted to. Don't fear, for I will finish this story! It's nearly over, just a couple more chapters!

Calypso POV

Percy had gotten out of the infirmary earlier that day. Word around the Aphrodite cabin was that him and Annabeth were going for a “romantic evening” down on the beach. Naturally, I wanted to come and watch.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure why I was still doing this. I mean, I do like Percy. Not as much as I used to… this is all getting to be too much effort and work. But for some reason, I couldn’t stop myself.

That night, I watched Percy escort Annabeth from her cabin down to the beach. I followed quietly behind them, and watched them at the shore from a place in the bushes. Moonlight was reflecting off of the water. It made Percy’s hair shine, and Annabeth’s look silver. I sighed.

“They look happy, yes?” I jumped as a melodious voice spoke from beside me. Standing in front of a tree wearing a very stylish, over the shoulder, rose dress.

“Ms. Dove?” I asked quietly. She giggled.

“Call me Aphrodite, love.” Aphro… the goddess? Whoa.

“You’re the goddess of love.” I said. She smiled.

“Yes ma’am!” Aphrodite turned back to Percy and Annabeth, “They really are a lovely couple.  I should know, I set them up myself!” She stated proudly. I stood and joined her underneath the tree where they couldn’t see us.

“But wait, if you put them together in the first place, why were you helping me get between them?” I asked. This was really confusing…

“It is all a part of the natural order of things.” She said vaguely, “You see, everything that has happened, has happened for a specific reason. I only helped it along.” I crossed my arms.

“I don’t understand.” I said. She turned and walked a bit before sitting on a large rock and patting the space beside her.

“Sit.” She said, “Let me tell you a tale of two lovers.” I pursed my lips, but followed her anyways. Aphrodite placed her hands daintily on her knee, and took a breath.

“It all started many, many years ago, up on that hill with the pine.” She said, pointing in the general direction, “Young Perseus, age twelve, had only just been shown the magical world that he was destined to be a part of. The minotaur was chasing after him, his mother, and his friend, Grover.” I held up my hand to stop her.

“Wait, the Minotaur? As in, the Minotaur?” Aphrodite nodded.

“Why of course! Do you know of another?” I shook my head. Percy had fought the Minotaur? Impressive.

“Please, go on.” I said. Aphrodite smiled at me.

“Percy killed the Minotaur, but not before it could kill his mother.”

“But Percy’s mom isn’t…” I interrupted.

“Patience! I’ll get to that.” Aphrodite snapped, “Now, as I was saying. Percy’s mother had disappeared in a burst of light. Well it turns out that Hades had kidnapped her.” I decided I shouldn’t interrupt again to ask, “Percy collapsed on the porch of the Big House after the fight. For the next few days, he lay asleep in the infirmary while a certain blonde girl nursed him back to health.”

“Annabeth.” I said. She nodded, getting a misty look in her eyes.

“Well, it turns out that Zeus’s master bolt had been stolen, and he believed that it was Percy who did it, as he is the only living demigod son of Poseidon, Zeus’s brother.” Aphrodite pulled out a compact mirror and checked the edges of her lipstick, “To make a long story short, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover all went on a quest to retrieve the bolt and clear Percy’s name.” She snapped the mirror closed, and looked at me, “I’ll spare you all the gory details. It’s rather boring, actually. There’s so much action and adventure, yawn!” Aphrodite rolled her eyes, “One night, they were in a poacher’s truck on the way to Vegas…” I opened my mouth, then closed it before she could yell at me again, “While Grover slept, Percy and Annabeth talked. They connected for the first time.” In a smelly truck filled with animals? How romantic.

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