Chapter 12

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A/N- I'm sorry in advance. This one's short, dull, and pretty bad. I'm leaving for vacation for two weeks, so I'll make it up in the next chapter when I get back!

Annabeth POV

“Ok, everyone ready?” I whispered, “Does everyone know the plan?”

“Yeah, kidnap Sloan, Mist him, then pretend it never happened.” Leo grinned evilly.

“Exactly, now GO!” Percy, Hayden, and Frank ran into the boys locker room where Sloan was last to come out. Some yelling, muffled yelling, and crashing later, they came out dragging Sloan with tape over his mouth.

“Mmmflmfmfmll!” He yelled.

“Yeah, yeah, save it for the precinct.” Leo said. You could tell he was loving the whole cop persona.

The guys dragged Sloan into Jason’s truck and closed the door. It was a little difficult driving to our apartment without anyone becoming suspicious of the body in the back. It was even more difficult getting him in the elevator! There was an old man already in there when we dragged Sloan in.

“It’s a prank,” I lied. He nodded suspiciously, and got out at the next stop.

“Let’s get this over with. I don’t really feel like getting arrested for kidnapping.” Frank muttered. We pulled Sloan into the apartment, and shut the door. Piper plopped him into a chair and removed the tape.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He yelled.

“Cleaning up your mess!” Rachel responded.

“You told our secret!”

“Which you shouldn’t even know in the first place!” Everyone started yelling all at once.

“HEY!” I shouted. The room fell silent. I gestured to Percy to speak.

“You told Coach our secret out of jealousy you idiot!” He snapped, “Now they have a private investigator on our tail!” Sloan glared at him.

“You think I was gonna let you get away with cheating, Jackson? Just because your daddy’s a god or whatever doesn’t mean you can do that!” His face was turning dangerously red from the strain of thinking too much.

“That’s right, he can’t.” I slapped Percy’s shoulder, “But that’s not the problem. The problem is that we can’t get exposed! Who knows what would happen to the Western Civilization?”

“The wha?” Sloan asked stupidly.

“None of your business!” Leo said quickly.

“Can we just perform the Mist already and get this over with?” Hazel asked.

“No, we have to yell at him first!” Leo said.

“We already have yelled at him!” Piper yelled.

“Oh for goodness sakes!” Frank picked up a frying pan from the counter and whacked Sloan on the head with it, “There, done!” Rachel cocked her head.

“Is he dead?” Jason bent down to feel his pulse.

“Nah, he’s just knocked out.” He said.

“Well then let’s get him out of here. We can tell him that he passed out or something, and we volunteered to take him home.” I said, lifting one of his arms.

“I’ll use a little Mist, just to be safe.” Piper said, lifting the other. Percy and Jason grabbed the other two limbs, and we hauled off the idiot.

“Hey Calypso,” I called down the hall to where she sat, filing her nails.

“What?” She asked through a mouthful of bubblegum.

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