Chapter 14

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A/N I am so sorry for this long update... again. To say sorry, I made you wait a bit longer so this chapter is extra long! Now I know a lot of you are done with the irritating Calypso (I know I am!) so this is the last chapter she makes an appearance! The next chapter you will see a totally different side of her! Promise! This story will NOT be abandoned!

Percy POV

“C-C-Calypso!?” I stuttered. She wiggled her fingers at me.

“Guess who’s here?!” She said in excitement. I clambered to my feet, slipping on the snow as I went. Annabeth slid down the hill on her shoes towards us.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her, still shocked.

“Well I followed you, duh.” She said, as though it should be obvious.

“That isn’t possible, we would have seen you.” Annabeth interjected. I shook my head.

“Not with the storm…” I said softly. Calypso smirked.

“You can’t be here. This place isn’t for mortals.” Annabeth said coldly, taking my arm to keep me from slipping further. Calypso just laughed.

“Rachel’s mortal,” She said.

“She’s a different matter, and none of your concern.” Annabeth snapped, “Now leave.” Calypso examined her nails casually.

“Or what?” Annabeth narrowed her eyes dangerously.

“I’ll make you.” She said, acid in her tone. Calypso gulped, but quickly shook it off.

“Percy! Annabeth!” Jason and Piper came sliding down the hill, “We need to get inside, this storm’s getting really bad.”

“We have to deal with her first!” Annabeth yelled angrily.

“As much as I hate to say it… we have to allow her entrance.” Piper groaned, “There’s no way she can make it home in this storm, and we can’t just leave her by the road.”

“Why not?” Annabeth asked. Piper gave her a look. Calypso clapped her hands.

“Oh this is just perfect!” She squealed, “It’s like the gods want me to be here!” There was practically steam coming out of Annabeth’s ears. I wouldn’t be surprised if she started breathing fire right now…

“We’ll see about that.” Annabeth growled, “Percy, come on. We’re going to Chiron.” She grabbed my hand and towed me up the hill as the snow swirled around us. Behind us, Piper permitted Calypso entrance to the camp, and brought her inside.

Camp was the same as it always was in the winter. A light dusting of snow barely covered the ground, making everything look like a winter wonderland. Greek fire glowed from torches assorted around the grounds, and snow fell from the sky, but never hit the ground. It was perfect.

Except for the fact that my girlfriend was on an angry rampage.

“Chiron!” She roared as we entered the Big House, “We have a serious issue!” Chiron wheeled out of the study in his wheelchair.

“What is it, child?” He asked. Annabeth was digging her nails into the palm of my hand. I winced at the pain, but would rather she scratch my hand than Calypso’s eyes.

“You remember that very irritating girl I once told you about? The one that’s in love with Percy?” He nodded, “She’s here.” Chiron’s eyes widened, which is about as surprised as I’ve ever seen him.

“A mortal girl? Here?” I nodded.

“Yup.” I said, “She followed us here from school, and now we can’t send her back because of the storm.” Chiron pursed his lips.

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