Chapter 9

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A/N Question: What are your thoughts on me taking a short hiatus (as in two weeks-ish) finishing this story completely, and then loading all the rest of the chapters at once? Or should I just keep updating like I am now?

Percy POV

School was a lot more boring without Annabeth there to keep my mind occupied. What made it worse was Sloan teasing me every day about her being gone.

“Ha, Percy, your girlfriend got suspended. Ha, Percy, where’s your golden retriever? Ha, Percy, too bad your girlfriend isn’t here to protect you!” I groaned and banged my head on the lunch table, “He’s driving me nuts! It’s every single day. It doesn’t even hurt, it’s just irritating!” Rachel frowned.

“This isn’t fair! Annabeth didn’t even do anything that third time! Everyone at the swim meet saw that! One of the teachers had to seem something.”

“But she still got suspended…” Jason pursed his lips, “That’s not right.”

“Yeah, it seems kind of off.” Hazel agreed.

“You don’t think there was some kind of interference?” Frank asked in a quiet tone, “You know… godly interference?”

“What would they gain from getting Annabeth kicked out of school?” I asked, “Athena would vaporize anyone who even suggested.

“The gods don’t always act as a whole. They each have their own agendas.” Piper said bitterly, “My mom especially.” Bingo!

I didn’t get the chance to sound smart in front of everyone because at that exact moment, something more terrifying then Gaea herself walked into the cafeteria.

My girlfriend’s mother.

Students pressed themselves against the walls of the cafeteria as she stormed in. I almost hid underneath the table myself. Athena looked mad, I mean mad. She wore simple jeans and a white shirt, looking like any other mom, but the storm in her eyes and the vein popping out of the side of her head told everyone else to run for their lives.

She stomped right up to our table, and stood in front of me, arms crossed.

“Do you have an explanation for me?” She demanded, tapping her foot quickly on the floor. I gulped.

“I’m sorry, My Lady. There was nothing I could…” Athena held up her hand to silence me.

“This is your fault, Sea Spawn.” She said coldly, “You are the one distracting my daughter from her studies, and now look where you’ve gotten her! Suspended! My daughter! My children do not get suspended, do you hear me boy?” I nodded hurriedly.

“Yes, ma’am. But…”

“Do not interrupt me.” She snapped, “I have stood by for several months and let my daughter throw her life away on you. I can see that I was right from the beginning!”

“My Lady! Please, let me explain!” I burst. I looked around us at all of the students with their eyes glued to us. The lunch ladies looked like they should have done something, but were to scared to, “Maybe we should talk about this in private.” I said, eyeing our audience. She nodded curtly.

“Come.” I followed her out, into the hall, and into an empty classroom. I tried not to flinch when she locked the door.

“Lady Athena, I’m sorry. The incidents that Annabeth got punished for were a matter of camp safety!” Athena rolled her eyes.

“Don’t make me laugh. They were acts of jealousy and anger and hiding mistakes that you made!” Ok, yes.

“But if she hadn’t done them…”

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