Chapter 8

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A/N Sorry this is a little later than I was planning. Well, hopefully it makes up for the terrible chapter I put up a couple of days ago!

Annabeth POV

“I can’t even believe this!” I yelled while I paced back and forth in Percy’s room, “Who would have thought that Calypso and Sloan of all people, would be the reason that I’m on the edge of getting kicked out of school!” Percy lay on his stomach on his bed, watching me.

“You’d think that the teachers and the principal of that school would have a little more sense as to listen to me! I was completely justified in punching Sloan and Calypso!”

“I told you, Paul’s talking to them to try and drop charges.” I glared at his smirk.

“This isn’t a joke, Percy!” He sighed and sat up on his bed.

“Annabeth, you need to calm down. Everything will be just fine.” I didn’t stop pacing, “Annabeth?” I didn’t answer, “Annabeth please, just sit down and relax.” I couldn’t. I couldn’t just sit down and relax with two strikes hanging over my head! Percy grunted and got to his feet. My boyfriend planted himself in my path and put his hands on my shoulders to keep me from moving.

“Annabeth Chase.” He said firmly. I looked up at his green eyes staring at me, “This is not the end of the world. You will be fine so long as you keep your fists to yourself.” He said. I huffed and crossed my arms.

“Ha ha, you’re hilarious.” I said flatly. He smiled.

“Yes I am, and you love that.” Sadly, that was true, “I love you, Annabeth. Two strikes or not, that isn’t gonna change.” He said surely, “If you get yourself worked up about this, then Calypso wins.” Hades, I hated it when he was right.

“Fine.” I muttered. Percy tilted my chin and kissed me.

“You know, this math homework isn’t going to do itself.” He teased. I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder.

“Hand me the paper, I’ll teach you.”

“Did I mention I love you?”

Mr. Blofis was out sick today, so we had a substitute for English class. Percy, me, Leo, and Calypso were in class together. I was just glad Calypso sat on the opposite side of the room.

The substitute teacher walked in, and I almost fell out of my chair! Every boy in the room started to drool, and every girl started to glare and slump down self-consciously.

She had perfect hair, perfect makeup, and a perfect body. Though I wasn’t exactly sure what she looked like. I somehow felt jealous and irritated at the same time.

“Hello class,” Ugh, even her voice was flawless, “I’m Ms. Dove.” Wow, that isn’t obvious at all. I looked over my shoulder at Percy, drooling on his desk. I threw a pen at him and he snapped out of it. He kept looking back and forth between Aphrodite and me in confusion. Oh yeah, Aphrodite takes the form of whatever the viewer finds pretty. That’s sweet… and creepy on Aphrodite’s part.

“Hi Ms. Dove!” Calypso called from the back. Aphrodite wiggled her fingers towards her.

“Ms. Cielo, nice to see you again.” Again? Leo stared at me looking for an answer. I shrugged.

“Now then, we are going to do something rather special today.” Oh dear, “You’ve all heard of the play Romeo and Juliet, haven’t you?” I coughed.

“Um, Ms. Dove,” I said through gritted teeth, “We’re studying Macbeth right now.”

“Oh my dear, don’t worry your pretty little blonde head about it. Today can be a special day.” She winked. This will be bad.

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