Chapter 7

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A/N ok this chapter is extremely short and extremely boring. Just forewarning you guys. It's a filler so that I can get to the more interesting chapters which will be coming up THIS WEEKEND! Promise!!! 

Annabeth POV

All of us went to Percy and Hayden’s swim practice Monday morning. Things with Calypso were getting serious, and we needed to deal with it. Now.

“I just don’t understand. We’re demigods! We’ve been hiding from mortals for centuries! How hard could it possibly be to get Calypso off our case?” I ranted. I sat next to Percy outside the boy’s locker room as we waited for Hayden to come out.

“Pretty hard, apparently.” Percy grumbled. He scribbled another fake answer onto his math worksheet.

“Why didn’t you just finish that last night when I finished my homework?” I asked, shaking my head. Percy blushed.

“I was a little bit preoccupied watching you do your homework.” He admitted. If it weren’t Percy, I would find that creepy. Somehow he made it seem endearing.

“You guys ready?” Hayden came out of the locker room in his swimsuit and goggles.

“Yep.” The three of us walked down the hall to the pool where the others sat. Percy’s team was already doing warm-up laps in the pool. They wouldn’t be able to hear us under the water. Percy and Hayden told them that they needed to “supervise” how all of them swam. Sloan didn’t seem too happy about that, but didn’t object.

“What are we supposed to do about this?” Piper asked, “Calypso doesn’t seem to be getting the message that nothing is happening!”

“Maybe that’s because something is happening.” Rachel said drily, “Why not take her to Chiron and have him work a little Mist magic on her?”

“And risk taking her to camp? Ha! No way.” I said, “Besides, if we tell Chiron about her he’ll rethink letting us go to school here.”

“You know, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to tell him…” Leo said, “I haven’t had much luck with the girls here.”

“You never had any with the girls at camp either.” Jason reminded him.

“At least there I was a head counselor and not just a woodshop nerd.”

“Ok, you got me there.”

“Back to the point at hand,” I sighed and rubbed my temples, “She’s getting a little too close for comfort.”

“Tell me about it.” Percy grumbled.

“Yo Captain!” Sloan yelled from the pool, “When are you two gonna jump in?”

“In a second, now swim.” Percy said. Sloan glared at him and ducked back under again.

“We should start practicing before Coach Xeno gets here.” Hayden said. Percy nodded and kissed my cheek really fast.

“See you in class.” He said, and followed Hayden into the pool.

“While they do that, let’s get down to business.” Trinity said, “Maybe it’s time we called in a friend to help with mist-ifying a certain someone.”

“Thalia?” I asked. She nodded.

“I’ve seen her work her magic. If there’s anyone that can completely wipe Calypso’s mind, it’s her.” Piper said.

“Actually, I talked to Thalia last night.” Jason said, “Her and the Hunters are sort of preoccupied in Canada with the Manticore.” I shuddered. I had bad memories about that French idiot.

We spent the rest of that morning’s practice arguing about the best way to deal with her. You’d think a bunch of highly trained, strategically brilliant demigods would be able to come up with something. Sadly, we couldn’t agree on anything. Leo kept talking about a bunch of solutions involving mechanical bulls, Piper was talking about stealing her makeup to distract her, and for some reason nobody was agreeing with my idea of feeding her to Mrs. O’Leary. I suppose they were right. Calypso would give her horrible indigestion.

When practice was over, and Coach Xeno told the guys to hit the shower, Percy and Hayden jogged over to us with towels over their shoulders.

“So, now what?” They asked.

“Get me some aspirin. We have nothing.” I groaned. Percy tried to put his arm around my shoulders but I elbowed him away, “Ew, you’re wet.”

“Well normally I would change that, but that would only make things worse.” He joked.

“Hey Jackson,” Sloan and a couple of his goonies walked up to us.

“Not now, Sloan. We’re kind of busy.” Percy grumbled. He didn’t listen.

“Calypso broke up with me because of you.” He yelled and raised his fist, “Now you’re gonna pay!” His fist came down and connected with Percy’s jaw.

“Hey!” I jumped out of my seat, headache suddenly not important, and punched his nose as hard as I could. Blood started to splatter on the floor.

“You’re gonna pay for that, Princess!” He growled. I sent one glare to his buddies and they were gone.

“Oh yes, she is.” Coach Xeno came out of his office, “To the nurse, Sloan. As for Ms. Chase… I suggest you take a trip to the principals office.”

Oh Hades.

“Another strike?!” Percy asked. I nodded and buried my face in his pillow.

“That’s my second one. One more, and I’m out of school.” 

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