Chapter 11

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A/N I'm sorry! It's delayed,  I know! Sorry!!!!!

Annabeth POV

“What are we supposed to do?” I asked Chiron desperately. He stroked his goatee with worry through the IM.

“The gods each have their own agendas, whether we like it or not. They wouldn’t allow a mere mortal to know so much if they didn’t have a reason.” He said wisely.

“Oh Aphrodite has a reason alright, getting back at me. And I’m fairly certain Hera is happy to go along with it!” Thunder rumbled outside once again. Chiron looked up at the sky on his end, and frowned.

“Be careful what you say, Annabeth.” He warned me for the thousandth time. I started pacing again. Sooner or later I’m going to create a rut in this room.

“I know, I know.” I grumbled, “Chiron I think I’m going to have an anxiety attack. An insane mortal girl knows the truth! Who knows what happens now?” Chiron pursed his lips.

“The first thing you do, is make amends with Percy.” He gave me that all-knowing look that I both loathed and loved. I sighed and fell down onto my bed.

“He brought Calypso to his house so that I could tell her the truth. That’s kind of a stupid move, isn’t it?” Chiron chuckled.

“We’re discussing the same Son of Poseidon, aren’t we?” He said, “Annabeth, he is a one-minded person. He acts before he thinks. Yes, what he did wasn’t exactly the best idea… however considering the circumstances what he did may have saved us from a bigger exposure.” That was true I suppose. Calypso could have told anyone anything about us if he hadn’t gotten her out of there. Oh wonderful, now I feel like the idiot.

“I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” I said, rubbing my temples, “But right now, I’m still feeling stubborn.” Chiron smiled.

“Good night, and good luck.”

Usually in the mornings I would meet Percy at his apartment. I decided that this morning wouldn’t be any different. Right now, the last thing we needed was a divided front. And besides, he’s a Seaweed Brain, but he’s a Seaweed Brain that might have saved our butts.

I awoke bright and early at five, like I usually do. After sneaking past a snoring Piper, and wrapping a robe around my pajamas, I made it out into the kitchen. I stretched my arms above my head and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

“Morning,” Someone yawned. My eyes snapped open to find a black-haired, green-eyed demigod sitting at the counter.  

“What are you doing here so early? Usually you aren’t even awake for another hour and a half.” Percy licked his lips awkwardly.

“I was sort of hoping we could talk…” I closed my eyes for a second longer than usual.

“Want some juice?” He didn’t like coffee, it was more of Rachel’s thing.

“Sure.” I poured him and me a glass of orange juice while he watched me. I leaned my elbows on the counter across from him and traced circles around the rim of my glass.

“I sort of came here to apologize…” Percy started, but I stopped him.

“Don’t.” I said, “Look I was mad, you were panicking, and things got said that weren’t really true.” Percy’s eyes widened in surprise, “I don’t want us to be arguing right now, especially with Calypso in on everything. Actually, I just don’t want to fight with you at all.”

“Oh… uh…” The stupid look on his face almost made me laugh.

“Just say you forgive me and I will too.” I instructed, not able to wipe the smirk off my face. The troublemaker smile I’d come to love surfaced on his face.

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