Chapter 13

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A/N I AM SO SORRY!!! Yes, I realize it's been a month, maybe even more, since I last updated this story! Life just got in the way, and for that I apologize! Hopefully, the next few chapters make up for it! 

Percy POV


Thank the gods, saved by the bell.

“So Percy,” Calypso popped her bubblegum, “it says here that for tomorrow’s social study homework we need to go to each other’s houses and see how we each live. You want to start at my place?” She bat her eyes in my direction as I gathered my books. Oh man, Annabeth… but I also needed a passing grade in science…

“Ok, fine.” I grumbled, “Give me the address and I’ll meet you there.” Calypso giggled.

“Silly Percy, why don’t I just drive you there?”

“Um, I don’t think…”

“Great!” She clapped, “Meet you at my car after school!” Hm, maybe I can convince Annabeth to tag along…

“Remember class, it’s groups of two not three.” Ms. Dove oh-so-conveniently yelled out. I did what any guy in my position would do: banged me head on the table.

“Come on, Percy. You can’t risk losing any more brain cells.” Annabeth gently lifted my head off of the table.

“I get the feeling that Lady Love is against us.” I mumbled. Annabeth sighed.

“We’ll figure this out later, ok? Let’s just go get lunch.”

Annabeth was glaring daggers at Calypso as I got in her car after school. I didn’t blame her. I think I’ll take her out for dinner or something this weekend to make her feel better.

“Buckle up, Percy!” Calypso sang. I groaned and climbed into the passenger seat.

“Let’s get this over with.” She smirked and pulled out of the parking lot. The entire way to her house, she babbled on and on about makeup and kids in our class and other junk I wasn’t listening to.

“Oh, we’re here!” She smiled at me and pulled into the big, winding, driveway. My eyes widened as I looked up at her house. I mean, I knew she was rich and all because of her mom’s job, but I didn’t know that she had such a huge house…

Calypso tapped on my window excitedly and gestured for me to follow her inside.

“So this is the foyer, and that’s the family room.” Calypso pointed out different rooms to me. Everything had fancy furniture, elaborate paintings, and a lot of trinkets I was pretty sure I shouldn’t touch.

“It’s… nice.” I said, looking around. Calypso grinned at me.

“Come, Percy, let’s go say hello to my parents!” Whoa, meeting the parents? Um… that sounds kinda awkward. I’ve had some issues with meeting other people’s parents… particularly the immortal mother of my girlfriend.

Calypso dragged me through some random hallways to a big wooden door.

“Mommy, Daddy, I have a friend I’d like you to meet!” She sang as we entered. Haha, right, “friend”.

A man in a business suit with perfectly trimmed hair sat behind a mahogany desk. Beside him, a tall woman with curly, brown hair and light blue eyes peered over his shoulder at a laptop. Calypso’s father peered over his eyeglasses to look at me.

“Who is this?” He asked, pointing a pen at me. Mrs. Cielo’s eyes lightened up when she saw me.

“Oh, I think I know who this is.” She winked at me, “Mr. Jackson, right?” I winced and blushed all at once.

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