Chapter 5

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Calypso POV

I’m so confused… you see, over the summer my mom got me this Greek instructor. It was a woman she’d once done a photo shoot with. She was sort of odd; I don’t really remember her face. Was she blonde? Did she have blue eyes? At first I thought she looked like my mom, but then she started to sort of look like a girl version of Percy in my head. Oh whatever, I’d probably had a bad taco or something.

Anyways, she taught me this weird version of Greek. She said it was older than what I learned in school, but it would work enough to fool my stupid teacher.

I realized that Percy and his group of losers spoke that kind of Greek. I hadn’t learned a lot of it over the summer so I could only understand part of the stuff they said.

“…plans… tonight?”

“…Iris… check in… attacked us… demigods….” Wait... what?

“…want… Calypso?” They were talking about me?

“…mortal… camp-related… teenage drama.”


“…psychotic monster… angry god… horse… Aphrodite…” Aphrodite? Gods? Monster? These guys were weirder than I thought. I will definitely have to keep my eye on them. Something weird is going on.

It turns out that I didn’t have to wait long for another incident.

Everyone was eating lunch in the cafeteria. Sloan was throwing tater tots at his buddies while my girls talked about the new trend they’d seen going around. Meanwhile, my eyes were trained on Percy’s table. Ugh I hated how him and that blonde looked so happy together. Annabeth. Bah, I’m so much prettier! Plus I’m popular, too. Percy and I would be shoo-ins for Prom King and Queen if he would just dump her…

Someone screamed. A second later, a Doberman burst into the cafeteria. It started growling at Percy’s table, and stalking towards it. While the other students tripped over each other trying to reach the exit, I stayed where I was and ducked under the table.

Ok, now that’s weird. Where did Percy get that bat? And… is Annabeth hitting that dog with a hairbrush? What in the…

Between one blink and the next, the dog vanished. All of the people that Percy had been hanging around with all year suddenly had new cuts and scrapes. They were all holding some kind of weird object. That blonde boy had a baseball bat like Percy’s, and the Latino Elf guy had what looked like a screwdriver.

I didn’t think about what I did next. I jumped up from under my hiding spot and stomped right over towards Percy.

“What just happened?” I demanded with my hands on my hips, “Some random dog comes in and then vanishes after Annabeth hits it with a hairbrush… a-and you have all these weird cuts suddenly…” The entire group of them froze and stared at me. The Native American girl, Piper, stepped forward and snapped her fingers.

“A dog got in, and attacked us. The dog catchers just came and took it away.” As she spoke, the images filled my head. I remembered two men in white uniforms hauling the dog into a van, after it had taken a few swipes at these guys. How had I forgotten about that?

“Oh… right. I forgot.”

Annabeth POV

“We need to be more careful.” I said that night. Everyone was hanging out in our apartment talking about Calypso. It wasn’t exactly the way I wanted to spend my evening.

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